
Our reason may struggle with the biblical view that God is a trinity - three in one and one in three. It should be no wonder why many Christians call the Trinity a mystery. Even the apostle Paul wrote: "Great, as everyone must confess, is the mystery of faith" (1. Timothy 3,16).

But whatever your degree of understanding of the Trinity doctrine, one thing you can know for sure: The Triune God is invariably committed to involving you in the wonderful fellowship of the life of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

There are not three gods, just one, and this God, the only true God, the God of the Bible, is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit live together, one might say, meaning that the life they share is perfectly interpenetrated. In other words, there is no such thing as the Father apart from the Son and the Holy Ghost. And there is no Holy Spirit separated from the Father and Son.

That means: if You are in Christ, then you are involved in the fellowship and in the joy of the life of the Triune God. It means that the Father accepts you and has fellowship with you, as with Jesus. It means that the love that God has demonstrated once and for all in the incarnation of Jesus Christ is as great as the love the Father always had for you - and always will have.

This means that God in Christ has declared that you belong to him, that you are included, that you are meaningful. That is why the whole Christian life is about love - God's love for you and God's love in you.

Jesus said: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another" (John 13,35). When you are in Christ, you love others because the Father and Son live in you through the Holy Ghost. In Christ you are free from fear, pride, and hatred that prevent you from enjoying God's life - and you are free to love others the way God loves you.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, meaning that there is no action of the Father that is not also an act of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For example, our salvation comes through the unchanging will of the Father, who is constantly obliged to engage us in the joy and communion with the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father sent the Son, who became man for our sake - he was born, lived, died, was raised from the dead, and then ascended as a man to heaven at the right hand of the Father as Lord, Savior, and Mediator, after having delivered us from has purified the sins. Then the Holy Spirit was sent to sanctify and perfect the Church in eternal life.

This means that your salvation is the direct result of the ever-faithful love and power of the Father, which has been irrefutably proven by Jesus Christ, and which comes to us through the Holy Spirit. It is not your faith that saves you. It is God alone - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - who saves you. And God gives you faith as a gift to open your eyes to the truth of who he is - and who you are as his beloved child.