The Holy Spirit - functionality or personality?

036 the holy spiritThe Holy Spirit is often described in terms of functionality, such as: God's power or presence or action or voice. Is this a suitable way to describe the mind?

Jesus is also described as the power of God (Philippians 4,13), the presence of God (Galatians 2,20), the action of God (John 5,19) and the voice of God (John 3,34). Yet we speak of Jesus in terms of personality.

The Holy Scriptures also attribute characteristics of personality to the Holy Spirit and subsequently elevate the profile of the spirit beyond mere functionality. The Holy Spirit has a will (1. Corinthians 12,11: "But all this is done by the same spirit and allocates to each his own as he wills"). The Holy Spirit searches, knows, teaches, and discerns (1. Corinthians 2,10-13).

The Holy Spirit has emotions. The spirit of grace can be reviled (Hebrews 10,29) and be grieved (Ephesians 4,30). The Holy Spirit comforts us and, like Jesus, is called a helper (John 14,16). In other passages of Scripture, the Holy Spirit speaks, commands, testifies, is lied to, steps in, strives, etc ... All of these terms are in harmony with personality.

Biblically speaking, the spirit is not a what, but a who. The mind is "someone", not "something". In most Christian circles, the Holy Spirit is referred to as "he", which is not to be understood as an indication of a gender. Rather, "he" is used to indicate the personality of the spirit.

The divinity of the spirit

The Bible attributes divine qualities to the Holy Spirit. He is not described as angelic or human in nature. Job 33,4 remarks, "The Spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life." The Holy Spirit creates. The spirit is eternal (Hebrews 9,14). He is omnipresent (Psalm 139,7).

Research the scriptures and you will see that the Spirit is omnipotent, omniscient, and gives life. All of these are properties of the divine nature. Consequently, the Bible describes the Holy Spirit as divine.