Mankind has a choice

618 mankind has a choiceFrom a human perspective, God's power and will is often misunderstood in the world. Too often people use their power to dominate and impose their will on others. For all of humanity the power of the cross is a strange and stupid concept. The secular notion of power can have an ubiquitous impact on Christians and lead to misinterpretation of scripture and the gospel message.

"This is good and pleasing before God our Savior, who desires that all people be saved and that they come to the knowledge of the truth" (1. Timothy 2,3-4). These scriptures could lead one to believe that God is almighty and that because he wants to save all people, they must follow him. He would use his strength and his will in such a way that they would be forced to their happiness and therefore universal salvation would be enforced. But that is not the divine character!

Although God is omnipotent, his power and will must be understood in the context of his self-imposed limits. From Genesis to Revelation, from Adam and Eve to the final judgment, there is a theme in the Bible that reveals God's will for salvation, but also the God-given freedom of mankind to resist that will. From the beginning, humanity had a choice of accepting or rejecting what God wanted. God revealed his will to Adam and Eve when he said: “The Lord God commanded man, saying, You may eat of any tree in the garden, but you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; because on the day you eat of it you must die to death »(1. Mose 2,16-17). The case came because they had the freedom to say no to his order and do their own thing. Humanity has lived with the consequences of this choice ever since. At the time of Moses, Israel was encouraged to obey God's will, but the choice was theirs: “I take heaven and earth to witness over you today: I have presented you with life and death, blessings and curse, that you may choose life and be alive stay, you and your descendants »(5. Moses 30,19).

In the days of Joshua Israel was given another free choice: “If you do not like to serve the Lord, choose today whom you will serve: the gods your fathers served on the other side of the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose country you live. But I and my house want to serve the Lord »(Joshua 24,15). These decisions are relevant to this day and humanity can choose to go their own way, follow their own gods and choose or reject eternal life with God. God does not insist on observance.

God likes it and it is God's will that all people be saved, but no one is forced to accept his offer. We are free to say "yes" or "no" to God's will. Affirmation that salvation through Jesus Christ is generally available is not universalism. The gospel is good news for all people.

by Eddie Marsh