Does God hold the strings in his hand?

673 god holds the threads in his handMany Christians say God is in control and has a plan for our lives. Everything that happens to us is part of that plan. Some would even argue that God arranges for us all of the day's events, including challenging ones. Does this thought free you that God is planning every minute of your life for you, or do you rub your forehead over this idea like I do? Didn't he give us free will? Are our decisions real or are they not?

I believe the answer to that lies in the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They always act together and never independently of one another. "The words that I speak to you I do not speak from myself. But the Father who abides in me does his works" (John 14,10). Our common participation and participation in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the focus here.

Jesus calls us friends: «But I have called you friends; for all that I heard from my Father I have made known to you »(John 15,15). Friends always participate in a relationship together. Friendship is not about controlling each other or forcing each other into a pre-made plan. In a good relationship, love is always the focus. Love is given or accepted of one's own free will, shares common experiences, stands by one another in good and bad times, enjoys, values ​​and supports one another.

Our friendship with God also has these characteristics. Of course, God is not just a friend, but the ruler of the whole universe who loves us unconditionally, unconditionally. That is why the relationship we have with him is even more real than the friendships with our human companions. Jesus helps us through the Holy Spirit to our own, very personal love relationship with the Father. We are allowed to be part of this relationship because God loves us, not because we did anything for Him to deserve to participate. With this in mind, I can imagine the one comprehensive plan for my life.

God's comprehensive plan

His plan is salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the common life in Christ, to know God in and through the Spirit and in the end to have an infinite life in God's eternity. That doesn't mean that I don't take God's work into the little things in my life because of it. Every day I see how his strong hand works in my life: from the way in which he encourages me and reminds me of his love, to the way in which he guides and protects me. We walk hand in hand through this life, so to speak, because he loves me, and every day I pray that I will listen to and respond to his soft voice.

God doesn't plan every tiny detail of my life. I believe that God can use whatever happens in my life to work out for the best in my life. "We know, however, that all things serve for the best of those who love God, those who are called according to his counsels" (Romans 8,28).

One thing I know for sure: It is he who guides, guides, accompanies me, is always by my side, lives in me through the Holy Spirit and reminds me of his omnipresence every day.

by Tammy Tkach