In the stream of life

672 in the stream of lifeAs parents, we can learn a lot from dealing with our children. When we taught them to swim, we didn't just throw them in the water, wait and see what would happen. No, I held her in my hands and carried her through the water the whole time. Otherwise they would never have learned to move independently in the water. When trying to familiarize our son with the water, he was a bit scared at first and yelled: "Dad, I'm scared," and clung to me. In this situation I encouraged him, talked him well, and helped him get used to this new environment. Even if our children were insecure and fearful, they learned something new with every further lesson. They know that even if the water has occasionally been coughed, spat, and even a little swallowed, we will not let our children drown.

All of these things are part of the experience, even if the child might think they are drowning, they are aware that their own feet are safe on solid ground and that we could pick them up immediately if the swimming lesson was too dangerous for them would. Over time, our children learned to trust us and we will always stay by their side and protect them.

On your own

The day comes when you swim all by yourself and try the craziest acrobatics that frighten us. If our children were too afraid to endure those difficult first moments in the water, they would never learn to swim. You would be missing out on some wonderful experiences and not splashing through the water with other kids.

Nobody can do the swimming for them, our children have to make these instructive experiences themselves. It is a fact that those who are the quickest to break away from their fear are also the quickest to get through their first lessons and ultimately get out of the water with new self-confidence. Nor does our Heavenly Father just throw us into deep water and leave us alone. He even promised that he would be there for us when we are in deep water. "If you have to walk through deep water or raging streams - I am with you, you will not drown" (Isaiah 43,2).
When he saw him running over the water, Peter answered Jesus: "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. And he said," Come here! And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came up to Jesus "(Matthew 14,28-29).

When Peter's trust and faith became uncertain and he was in danger of drowning, Jesus stretched out his hand to grasp him and saved him. God has promised us: "I will not forsake you or leave you" (Hebrews 13,5). Like all loving parents, he teaches us through small challenges and thereby helps us to grow in faith and trust. Even if some challenges seem terrible and frightening, we can watch in astonishment how God directs everything for our good and for his glory. We just have to take the first step, swim the first train in the water and leave the fear and uncertainty behind us.

Fear is our greatest enemy because it paralyzes us, makes us insecure and reduces our trust in ourselves and in God. Just like Peter, we should leave this boat trusting that God will continue to carry us and that nothing is impossible for him what he wants to achieve with us. Even if it takes a lot of courage to take this first step, it is always worthwhile because the rewards are priceless. Peter, who was a person like you and I, actually walked on the water.

A look back

Even if you don't know where it will take you, there is no need to be concerned. It is often said that you cannot move forward as long as you look back. Even if this statement is true, every now and then you look in the rear-view mirror of your life. You look back and see all those life situations through which God has carried you. In those situations where you sought the hand of God, He took you in his arms. He turns even our most difficult challenges into valuable learning experiences: "My brothers and sisters, consider it pure joy when you fall into various temptations, and know that your faith, when it is proven, works with patience" (James 1: 2- 3).
Such joy is not easy to come by in the beginning, but it is a conscious choice that we should make. We should ask ourselves whether we really believe in God and his sovereign power of victory or let the devil unsettle us and frighten us. When someone scares our children, they run screaming into our arms and seek protection from us. After all, they know very well that we will always protect them. As children of God, we react the same way to a situation or problem that worries us. We run screaming into the arms of our loving father, knowing that he is protecting and calming us. It takes some practice, however, because the more our faith is tested, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, when we swim, God allows us to cough, spit, and even swallow a little water and try to make it through without Him. He allows this: "So that you may be perfect and unharmed and have no want" (James 1,4).

It is not easy to be on earth and none of us would say that life is always beautiful. But think back to the moments when you were held tightly by your mother or father or whoever you were. Your back leaned against the chest of the other and you overlooked a wide landscape and felt safe and warm in the protective strong arms of the other. Do you still remember that cozy feeling of warmth and loving protection that reigned in you and that did not leave you despite rain, storm or snow? The swimming lanes of our lives are sometimes frightening, but as long as we can say that we trust God completely and are certain that He will carry us through unsafe waters, He can turn our fear into joy. We look at him in amazement because he carries us through deepest water and violent storms. If only we could learn to delight in the salty water of the sea in our eyes instead of shrinking from the dark stream of water - after all, we know without a doubt that God will hold us tight in his arms at all times.

When our children are older, we can proudly hold them in our arms and tell them: I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I know you had to swim through some tough times in your life, but you ultimately succeeded because you trusted God.

In the next part of our life we ​​will swim our lanes. There sharks or diabolical figures lurk in the dark waters and try to instill fear and unsettle us with their evil doings. We make a conscious choice and let ourselves fall into the arms of our father. We tell him we're scared without him. To this he will answer: “Do not worry about anything, but in all things let your requests be made known to God in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving! And the peace of God, which is higher than all reason, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus »(Philippians 4,6-7).

by Ewan Spence-Ross