The invitation to life

675 the invitationIsaiah invites people four times to come to God. «Well, everyone who is thirsty, come to the water! And if you have no money, come here, buy and eat! Come here and buy wine and milk without money and for free! " (Isaiah 55,1). These invitations apply not only to the people of Israel, but to the people of all nations: «See, you will call peoples you do not know, and peoples who do not know you will run to you for the sake of the Lord your God, and of the Holy One of Israel, who made you glorious »(verse 5). They are universal calls to come and they embody the invitation to God's covenant of grace for all.

First, the call goes out to those who are thirsty. Being without water in the Middle East was not only an inconvenience, it was life threatening and could well be death. This is the position all humanity finds itself in after turning their backs on God. «For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord »(Romans 6,23). God offers you clean water, that is the solution. Isaiah seems to have in mind the Middle Eastern water seller who offers clean water because access to potable water means life.

The woman at Jacob's well in Samaria could see that Jesus is the Messiah, so he was able to offer her the living water: “But whoever drinks the water that I give him will not be thirsty forever, but the water that I give will give him, that will become in him a source of water that gushes into eternal life »(John 4,14).

Who is the water - who is the source of the water? On the last, the highest day of the festival, Jesus got up and said: “Whosoever thirsts, come to me and drink! Whoever believes in me, as the Scriptures say, rivers of living water will flow from his body »(John 7,37-38). Jesus is the living water that brings refreshment!

Then the call to come to buy and eat is given to those who have no money, underscoring the inability and helplessness of us humans to buy. How can someone with no money buy food to eat? This food has a price, but God has already paid the price. We humans are completely unable to buy or deserve our own salvation. «For you were bought at a high price; therefore praise God with your body »(1. Corinthians 6,20). It is a free gift given by the grace of God and this free gift came at a price. The self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

When we finally come, we get «wine and milk», which underlines the richness of the offer. We are invited to a banquet and given not only the sheer need for water to survive, but also the luxury of wine and milk to enjoy. This is a picture of the splendor and abundance God gives to those who come to him and his wedding supper.
So why chase after the things the world has to offer that will ultimately not satisfy us. «Why does your money count for what is not bread and sour earnings for what does not fill you up? Do you listen to me, you will eat good food and feast on delicious things? " (Isaiah 55,2).

Since the beginning of world history, people have tried again and again to find fulfillment and satisfaction outside of God. “Bend your ears and come to me! Listen, this is how you will live! I want to make an everlasting covenant with you to give you the constant graces of David ”(Isaiah 55,3).
God prepares a table and he pours full. God is a generous host. From the beginning to the end of the Bible: «The Spirit and the Bride say: Come! And whoever hears it, say: Come! And whoever thirsts, let him come; whoever wants to take the water of life for free ”(Revelation 22,17). Accept God's invitation, his gift with joy, because God loves you and has accepted you for who you are!

by Barry Robinson