Poverty and generosity

420 poverty and generosityIn Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, he gave an excellent illustration of how the wonderful gift of joy touches the lives of believers in practical ways. "But we make known to you, dear brethren, the grace of God that has been given in the churches of Macedonia" (2 Cor 8,1). Paul didn't just give an insignificant account - he wanted the Corinthian brothers and sisters to respond to God's grace in a similar way to the church in Thessalonica. He wanted to give them a correct and fruitful answer to God's generosity. Paul notes that the Macedonians had "much distress" and were "very poor" - but they also had "exuberant joy" (v. 2). Their joy did not come from a gospel of health and wealth. Their great joy did not come from having a lot of money and goods, but in spite of the fact that they had very little!

Her reaction reveals something "otherworldly," something supernatural, something entirely beyond the natural world of selfish humanity, something that cannot be explained by the values ​​of this world: "For her joy was exuberant when proved by much affliction and though they were very poor, yet they gave abundantly in all sincerity” (v. 2). That is amazing! Combine poverty and joy and what do you get? Abundant giving! This was not their percentage based giving. "For to the best of their ability, I testify, and even beyond their strength they gave freely" (verse 3). They gave more than was "reasonable". They gave sacrificially. Well, as if that were not enough, "and with much persuasion they besought us that they might be of help in the benefit and fellowship of the service unto the saints" (verse 4). In their poverty they asked Paul for an opportunity to give more than is reasonable!

That is the way the grace of God worked in the faithful in Macedonia. It was a testimony to her great faith in Jesus Christ. It was a testimony to their Spirit-endowed love for other people-a testimony Paul wanted the Corinthians to know and imitate. And it is also something for us today if we can allow the Holy Spirit to work unhindered in us.

First the Lord

Why did the Macedonians do something "not of this world"? Paul says, "...but they gave themselves, first to the Lord, and then to us, according to the will of God" (v. 5). They did it in the service of the Lord. Their sacrifice was first of all to the Lord. It was a work of grace, of God's working in their lives, and they discovered that they were happy to do it. Responding to the Holy Spirit within them, they knew, believed, and acted that way because life is not measured by the abundance of material things.

As we read further in this chapter, we see that Paul wanted the Corinthians to do the same: “So we persuaded Titus that, as he had begun before, he should now complete this benefit among you also. But as you are rich in everything, in faith, and in word, and in knowledge, and in all the diligence and love that we have stirred in you, so also give abundantly in this bounty” (vv. 6-7).

The Corinthians had bragged about their spiritual wealth. They had a lot to give, but they did not give it! Paul wanted them to excel in generosity, because that's an expression of divine love, and love is the most important thing.

And yet Paul knows that no matter how much a person may give, it is of no use to the person if the attitude is resentful rather than generous (1. Corinthians 13,3). So he doesn't want to intimidate the Corinthians into grudgingly giving, but wants to put some pressure on them because the Corinthians were underperforming in their behavior and they needed to be told that was the case. “I don't say that as an order; but because others are so zealous, I also test your love to see whether it is of the right kind" (2 Cor 8,8).

Jesus, our pacemaker

True spirituality is not found in the things the Corinthians boasted about—it is measured by the perfect standard of Jesus Christ, who gave his life for all. Hence Paul presents the attitude of Jesus Christ as theological evidence of the generosity he wished to see in the church at Corinth: "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye might through his poverty become rich'” (v. 9).

The riches to which Paul refers are not physical riches. Our treasures are infinitely greater than physical treasures. They are in heaven, reserved for us. But even now we can already get a taste of those eternal riches, if we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.

Right now God's faithful people are going through trials, even poverty - and yet, because Jesus lives in us, we can be rich in generosity. We can surpass ourselves in giving. We can go beyond the minimum, because even now our joy in Christ can overflow to help others.

Much could be said of the example of Jesus, who often spoke of the proper use of riches. In this passage, Paul summarizes it as "poverty." Jesus was willing to make himself poor for our sake. As we follow him, we are also called to forsake the things of this world, live by different values, and serve him by serving others.

Joy and generosity

Paul continued his appeal to the Corinthians: “And in this I speak my mind; because that is useful to you, who started last year not only with doing, but also with wanting. But now do the work also, so that as you are inclined to will, you may also be inclined to do according to what you have” (vv. 10-11).

"For if there is good will" - if there is an attitude of generosity - "it is welcome according to what a man has, not according to what he does not have" (v. 12). Paul did not ask the Corinthians to give as much as the Macedonians had done. The Macedonians had already given in excess of their fortune; Paul was simply asking the Corinthians to give according to their ability - but the main thing is that he wanted generous giving to be voluntary.

Paul continues with some admonitions in chapter 9: “For I know of your good will, which I praise towards you among those of Macedonia, when I say, 'Achaia was ready last year! And your example has spurred on the greatest number” (v. 2).

Just as Paul used the example of the Macedonians to incite the Corinthians to generosity, so he had previously used the example of the Corinthians to spur on the Macedonians, apparently with great success. The Macedonians were so generous that Paul realized that the Corinthians could do much more than they had done before. But he had boasted in Macedonia that the Corinthians were generous. Now he wanted the Corinthians to finish it off. He wants to exhort again. He wants to put some pressure, but he wants the victim to be given voluntarily.

"But I sent the brothers, so that our boasting about you may not be in vain in this matter, and so that you may be prepared, as I said of you, not unless those from Macedonia come with me and find you unprepared , we, not to say you, are ashamed of this confidence of ours. So I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren to go forth to you, to prepare beforehand the boon which you announced, that it may be ready as a boon of blessing, and not of greed” (vv. 3- 5).

Then follows a verse that we have heard many times before. “Everyone, as he has made up his mind in his heart, not with reluctance or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver” (v. 7). This happiness does not mean revelry or laughter—it means that we find joy in sharing our goods with others because Christ is in us. Giving makes us feel good. Love and grace work in our hearts in such a way that a life of giving gradually becomes a greater joy for us.

The greater blessing

In this passage Paul also talks about rewards. If we give freely and generously, then God will also give to us. Paul is not afraid to remind the Corinthians: "But God is able to cause all grace to abound among you, so that in everything you may always have plenty and abound in every good work" (v. 8).

Paul promises that God will be generous to us. Sometimes God gives us material things, but that's not what Paul is talking about here. He talks about grace - not the grace of forgiveness (we receive this wonderful grace through faith in Christ, not works of generosity) - Paul talks about many other kinds of grace that God can give.

If God gives Extra Grace to the churches in Macedonia, they have had less money than before - but much more joy! Any rational person, if she had to choose, would rather have poverty with joy than wealth without joy. Joy is the greater blessing, and God gives us the greater blessing. Some Christians even get both - but they also have the responsibility to use both to serve others.

Paul then quotes from the Old Testament: "He scattered and gave to the poor" (verse 9). What kind of gifts is he talking about? "His righteousness endures forever". The gift of righteousness outweighs them all. The gift of being righteous in God's sight—this is the gift that endures forever.

God rewards a generous heart

“But he who gives seed to the sower and bread for food, he will also give you seed and multiply it and cause the fruits of your righteousness to grow” (v. 10). This last phrase about the harvest of righteousness shows us that Paul is using imagery. He doesn't promise literal seeds, but he does say that God rewards generous people. He gives them that they can give more.

He will give more to the person who uses God's gifts to serve. Sometimes he returns in the same way, grain by grain, money by money, but not always. Sometimes he blesses us in return for sacrificial giving with immeasurable joy. He always gives the best.

Paul said the Corinthians would have everything they needed. For what purpose? So that they may be “rich in every good work”. He says the same thing in verse 12, "For the ministry of this gathering not only supplies the want of the saints, but also abounds in many thanking God." God's gifts come with conditions, we might say. We need to use them, not hide them in a closet.

Those who are rich shall be rich in good works. “Command the rich in this world not to be proud, nor hope in uncertain riches, but in God, who offers us everything in abundance to enjoy; to do good, to abound in good works, to give gladly, to help" (1 Tim 6,17-18).

True life

What is the reward for such unusual behavior, for people who don't cling to wealth as something to hold onto, but give it away willingly? "By this they gather up treasure for a good reason for the future, that they may grasp the true life" (v. 19). When we trust God, we embrace life, which is real life.

Friends, faith is not an easy life. The new covenant does not promise us a comfortable life. It offers infinitely more than one 1 million: 1 for our investment - but it can include some significant victims in this temporary life.

And yet there are great rewards in this life too. God gives abundant grace in the way (and in his infinite wisdom) that he knows that it is best for us. In our trials and in our blessings, we can trust Him with our lives. We can trust Him with all things, and when we do our lives become a testimony of faith.

God loves us so much that he sent his son to die for us even when we were still sinners and enemies. Since God has already shown us such love, we can be assured that He will care for us, for our long-term good, now that we are His children and friends. We don't need to worry about "our" money.

The harvest of thanksgiving

Let's go back to 2. 9 Corinthians 11 and notice what Paul teaches the Corinthians about their financial and material generosity. "So you will be rich in all things, to give in all generosity, which works through us thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this gathering not only supplies the need of the saints, but also works exceedingly in many giving thanks to God” (verses 12).

Paul reminds the Corinthians that their generosity is not just a humanitarian effort - it has theological results. People will thank God for this because they understand that God works through people. God puts it on the heart of those who give to give. This is how God's work is done. "For in this faithful service they praise God above your obedience in the profession of the gospel of Christ, and above the simplicity of your fellowship with them and with all" (verse 13). There are several notable points on this point. First, the Corinthians were able to prove themselves by their actions. They showed in their actions that their faith was genuine. Second, generosity brings not only thanks but also thanksgiving [praise] to God. It's a form of worship. Third, accepting the gospel of grace also requires a certain obedience, and that obedience includes the sharing of physical resources.

Giving for the gospel

Paul wrote about generous giving in the context of efforts to alleviate famine. But the same principle applies to the financial gatherings we have today in the Church to support the Gospel and the ministry of the Church. We continue to support an important work. It allows workers who preach the gospel to make their living from the gospel as well as we can distribute the resources.

God still rewards generosity. He still promises treasures in heaven and eternal pleasures. The gospel still made demands on our finances. Our attitude to money still reflects our belief in what God is doing now and forever. People will still thank and praise God for the sacrifices we bring today.

We receive blessings from the money we give to the church - the donations help us to pay the rent for a meeting room, for pastoral care, for publications. But our donations also help others to provide for other literature, to provide a place where people get to know a community of believers who love sinners; to spend money on a group of believers who create and maintain a climate in which new visitors can be taught about salvation.

You do not (yet) know these people, but they will be grateful to you - or at least thank God for your living sacrifices. It is an important work indeed. The most important thing we can do in this life after accepting Christ as our Savior is to help grow the kingdom of God, to make a difference by allowing God to work in our lives.

I would like to end with the words of Paul in verses 14-15: “And in their prayer for you they long for you, because of the exceeding grace of God upon you. But thank God for his unspeakable gift!”

by Joseph Tkach

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