God's relationship with his people

431 God's relationship with his peopleIsrael's history can only be summed up in the word failure. God's relationship with the people of Israel is referred to in the books of Moses as a covenant, a relationship in which vows of allegiance and promises were made. However, as the Bible shows, there have been numerous instances of the Israelites failing. They didn't trust God and grumbled about God's actions. Their typical behavior of distrust and disobedience runs through the whole history of Israel.

The faithfulness of God is the highlight in the history of the people of Israel. We derive great confidence from this today. Since God did not reject his people then, he will not reject us even if we go through times of failure. We may experience pain and suffering from bad choices, but we don't need to fear that God will no longer love us. He is always loyal.

First promise: a leader

During the time of the judges, Israel was constantly in a cycle of disobedience - oppression - repentance - deliverance. After the death of the leader, the cycle started all over again. After several such events, the people asked the prophet Samuel for a king, a royal family, so that there would always be an offspring to lead the next generation. God explained to Samuel, “They have not rejected you, but me from being king over them. They will do to you as they have always done from the day I brought them out of Egypt to this day, leaving me and serving other gods."1. Sam 8,7-8th). God was their invisible guide, but the people did not trust him. Therefore, God gave them a person to serve as a mediator who, as a representative, could rule the people on his behalf.

Saul, the first king, was a failure because he didn't trust God. Then Samuel anointed David king. Although David failed in the worst ways in his life, his desire was primarily directed to worship and serve God. After he was largely able to ensure peace and prosperity, he offered God to build him a large temple in Jerusalem. This should be a symbol of constancy, not only for the nation but also for their worship of the true God.

In a Hebrew pun, God said, “No, David, you will not build me a house. It will be the other way around: I will build you a house, the house of David. There will be a kingdom that will endure forever and one of your descendants will build the temple for me" (2. Sam 7,11-16, own summary). God uses the covenant formula: "I will be his father, and he shall be my son" (verse 14). He promised that David's kingdom would endure forever (verse 16).

But not even the temple lasted forever. The kingdom of David went under - religiously and militarily. What has become of God's promise? The promises to Israel were fulfilled in Jesus. He is at the center of God's relationship with his people. The security that the people sought could only be found in a person who exists permanently and is always faithful. The history of Israel points to something greater than Israel, yet it is also part of the history of Israel.

Second promise: God's presence

During the desert wanderings of the people of Israel, God dwelt in the tabernacle: "I went about in a tent for a tabernacle" (2. Sam 7,6). Solomon's temple was built as God's new dwelling place, and "the glory of the Lord filled the house of God" (2. Chr 5,14). This was to be understood symbolically, as the people knew that heaven and all heaven heaven would not be able to grasp God (2. Chr 6,18).

God promised to dwell among the Israelites forever if they obeyed him (1. Sex 6,12-13). However, since they disobeyed him, he decided "that he would take them off his face" (2. Kings 24,3), ie he had them carried away to another country in captivity. But again God remained loyal and did not reject his people. He promised that he would not erase her name (2. Kings 14,27). They would repent and seek his presence, even in a strange land. God had promised them that if they would return to him, he would bring them back to their country, symbolizing the restoration of the relationship (5. Moses 30,1: 5; Nehemiah 1,8-9).

Third promise: An eternal home

God promised David, "And I will give My people Israel a place, and I will plant them, to dwell there; and they shall no longer be troubled, and the violent shall no longer wear them down as before" (1. 1 Chr7,9). This promise is amazing because it appears in a book written after Israel's exile. The history of the people of Israel points beyond their history - it is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled. The nation needed a leader who was descended from David and yet greater than David. They needed the presence of God, which was not only symbolized in a temple, but would be a reality for everyone. They needed a country where peace and prosperity would not only last, but a change in the whole world so that there would never be repression again. Israel's history points to a future reality. Yet there was also a reality in ancient Israel. God had made a covenant with Israel and kept it faithfully. They were his people even when they disobeyed. Although many people have strayed from the right path, there have also been many who remained steadfast. Although they died without seeing the fulfillment, they will live again to see the Leader, the land and best of all, their Savior and have eternal life in His presence.

by Michael Morrison

pdfGod's relationship with his people