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Komm zu mirOur three-year-old granddaughter Emory Grace is curious and learns very quickly, but like all young children, she has difficulties in making herself understood. When I speak to her, she looks at me and thinks to myself: I see your mouth moving, I hear words, but I have no idea what you want to tell me. Then I open my arms and say: Come to me! She runs to find her love.

This reminds me of when her father was younger. There were times he didn't understand because he lacked the information he needed and in other situations he simply didn't have the experience or maturity to understand. I said to him: you have to trust me or you will understand later. As I said these words, I always remembered what God said through the prophet Isaiah: «My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not my ways, says the Lord, but as much as heaven is higher than earth so also my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts »(Isaiah 55,8-9).

God reminds us that he has everything under control. We don't have to understand all the complicated details, but we can be confident that he is love. We cannot fully understand God's grace, mercy, total forgiveness, and unconditional love. His love is far more than any love I can give; it is unconditional. That means it is in no way dependent on me. God is love. Not only that God has love and exercises it, but he is personified love. His compassion and forgiveness are total - there are no limits - he has erased and removed sins as far as the east is away from the west - nothing is remembered. How does he do that? I dont know; his ways are far above my ways and I praise him for it. He simply tells us to come to him.
Emory, our granddaughter may not understand all the words that come out of my mouth, but she understands exactly when I open my arms. She knows that Grandpa loves her, although I cannot explain my love because at this point my thoughts are higher than her mind can grasp. The same applies to God. His love for us is expressed in a way that goes far beyond our understanding.

You cannot understand everything that made Jesus man and the full meaning of his life, death, and resurrection. But like Emory, you know exactly what love is and what it means when Jesus opens his arms and says, "Come to me!"

from Greg Williams