The Bronze Serpent

698 the bronze serpentSpeaking to Nicodemus, Jesus explained an interesting parallel between a serpent in the desert and himself: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life have life" (John 3,14-15).

What did Jesus mean by that? The Israelites set out from Mount Hor toward the Red Sea to bypass the land of Edom. They were annoyed on the way and spoke against God and against Moses: «Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in the desert? For there is neither bread nor water here, and this meager food loathes us" (4. Moses 21,5).

They complained about it because there was no water. They despised the manna that God provided for them. They could not see the destination that God had planned for them - the promised land - and so they murmured. Venomous snakes entered the camp and resulted in numerous deaths. This situation caused people to recognize their sin, ask Moses for intercession, and trust in God. In response to this intercession, God instructed Moses: 'Make yourself a bronze serpent and set it up on a pole. Whoever is bitten and looks at her shall live. So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it up high. And if a serpent bit someone, he looked at the bronze serpent and lived" (4. Moses 21,8-9).

The people thought they had the right to judge God. They didn't like what was going on and were blind to what God had done for them. They had forgotten that he had rescued them from slavery in Egypt by miraculous plagues and that with God's help they were able to cross the Red Sea dry-shod.

Satan is like a poisonous snake that keeps biting us. We are helpless against the poison of sin circulating in our bodies. Instinctively we deal with ourselves, with the poison of sin, and try to improve ourselves or fall into despair. But Jesus was lifted up on the cross and shed his holy blood. When Jesus died on the cross, He defeated the devil, death and sin and opened the way of salvation for us.

Nicodemus found himself in a similar situation. He was in spiritual darkness as to the workings of God: 'We speak what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony. If you do not believe if I tell you about earthly things, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?" (John 3,11-12).

Mankind was on trial in the garden of God and wanted to be independent from him. From that moment, death entered our experience (1. Mose 3,1-13). Help for the Israelites, Nicodemus and mankind comes from something that God has ordained and provides. Our only hope is in the provision that comes from God, not in something we do - in something else being lifted up on a pole, or more specifically in someone lifted up on the cross. The phrase "exalted" in the Gospel of John is an expression of the crucifixion of Jesus and is the only remedy for the condition of mankind.

The serpent was a symbol that gave physical healing to some Israelites and points to the Ultimate One, Jesus Christ, who offers spiritual healing to all mankind. Our only hope of escaping death depends on heeding this destiny made by God. Our only hope is to look to Jesus Christ hoisted up on a pole. “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me. But he said this to show what kind of death he would die" (John 12,32-33).

We should look to and believe in the Son of man, Jesus Christ, who has been "exalted" if we are to be saved from death and have eternal life. This is the gospel message that pointed like a shadow to the real in the story of Israel's wanderings in the desert. Anyone who does not want to get lost and want eternal life must look to the exalted Son of Man on the cross on Calvary in spirit and in faith. There he accomplished the atonement. It's so easy to be saved by accepting it personally! But if you ultimately want to choose a different path, you will inevitably get lost. So look to Jesus Christ lifted up on the cross and live life with Him now for all eternity.

by Barry Robinson