Christ our Passover lamb

"For our Passover lamb was slaughtered for us: Christ" (1. Cor. 5,7). We do not want to pass by nor overlook the great event that occurred in Egypt nearly 4000 years ago when God set Israel free from slavery. Ten plagues in 2. Mose beschrieben sind, waren nötig, um Pharao in seiner Sturheit, Arroganz und in seinem hochmütigen Widerstand gegen… Read more ➜

I'll be back and stay forever!

“It is true that I am going and preparing a place for you, but it is also true that I will come again and take you to me so that you too may be where I am (John 14,3). Hatten Sie jemals ein tiefes Verlangen nach etwas, das bald eintreffen sollte? Alle Christen, sogar die im ersten Jahrhundert, sehnten sich nach Christi Rückkehr, aber in jenen Tagen und jenem Zeitalter drückten sie es… Read more ➜

Written on his hand

“I kept taking him in my arms. But the people of Israel did not recognize that every good thing that happened to them came from me” (Hosea 11:3 NIV). While I was rummaging through my toolbox, I came across an old pack of cigarettes, probably from the 60s. It had been cut open to create as large an area as possible. On it was a drawing of a... Read more ➜

Gardens and deserts

“But there was a garden in the place where he was crucified, and a new tomb in the garden, in which no one had ever been laid” John 19: 41. Many of the defining moments of Biblical history took place in settings that seem to reflect the character of the events. The first such moment took place in a beautiful garden where God placed Adam and Eve... Read more ➜

Be a blessing to others

I think I can say that all Christians want to be blessed by God. This is a good wish and has its roots in the Old and New Testaments. The priestly blessing in 4. Mose 6,24 begins with: “The Lord bless you and keep you!” And Jesus often says in the “Beatitudes” in Matthew 5: “Blessed are…” Being blessed by God is a great privilege that… Read more ➜

Nothing to do

“How long will you continue to speak such things, and shall the words of your mouth be but a violent wind” (Job 8:2)? It was one of the rare days where I didn't have anything planned. So I thought to get my email inbox in order. So the number dropped from 356, soon to 123 emails, but then the phone rang; a community member asked a difficult question. Good… Read more ➜