
Blind trust

This morning I stood in front of my mirror and asked the question: reflection, reflection on the wall, who is the most beautiful of all? Then the mirror said to me: Can you please step aside? I ask you a question: «Do you believe what you see or do you blindly trust it? Today we're taking a closer look at faith. I want to state clearly one fact: God lives, He exists, whether... Read more ➜

Jesus: Only a myth?

Advent and Christmas are a contemplative time. A time of reflection on Jesus and his incarnation, a time of joy, hope and promise. People all over the world announce his birth. One Christmas carol after another plays over the airwaves. The festival is celebrated in the churches with nativity plays, cantatas and choral singing. It's the time in... Read more ➜

Our reasonable worship

“I now exhort you, brothers and sisters, through the mercy of God, that you offer your body as a sacrifice that is living, holy and pleasing to God. Let that be your reasonable worship ”(Romans 12,1). This is the theme of this sermon. You noticed correctly, there is a word missing. In addition to sensible worship, our worship is a logical one. This word is… Read more ➜

The poured out life of Christ

Today I want to encourage you to heed the admonition that Paul gave to the Philippian church. He asked them to do something and I'll show you what that was about and ask you to decide to do exactly the same thing. Jesus was fully God and fully man. Another scripture that speaks of the loss of his divinity is found in Philippians. «Because these… Read more ➜

Live for God or in Jesus

Ich stelle mir zur heutigen Predigt eine Frage: «Lebe ich für Gott oder in Jesus?» Die Antwort auf diese Worte, hat mein Leben verändert und sie kann auch Ihr Leben verändern. Es geht darum, ob ich versuche, ganz gesetzestreu für Gott zu leben oder nehme ich Gottes bedingungslose Gnade als ein unverdientes Geschenk von Jesus an. Klar ausgedrückt, - lebe ich in, mit und durch Jesus. Es ist… Read more ➜

Unheard, scandalous grace

If we go back to the Old Testament, to the 1. Book of Samuel, towards the end of the book you discover that the people of Israel (the Israelites) are once again in battle with their archenemy, the Philistines. In this particular situation they are beaten. In fact, they get beat harder than they did at Oklahoma's football stadium, the Orange Bowl. That is bad; because on this special day,... Read more ➜