blessings from heaven

blessings from heavenWhile I know many people who love the birds in their garden, I also know that it is rare that their affection for the birds is returned by them. In the Book of First Kings, God promised Elijah the prophet that famine would come to Israel and commanded him to leave the city and go into the wilderness. While he was there, God promised him something special: "I commanded the ravens to provide you with food there, and you may drink from the brook" (1. Kings 17,4 Hope for all). While Elijah was at the brook Krit, which flows into the Jordan from the east, the Scriptures tell us: "Morning and evening the ravens brought him bread and meat, and he quenched his thirst by the brook" (1. Kings 17,6 Hope for all).

Stop and imagine that for a moment. During a famine, Elijah was led by God to go into the middle of the desert where nothing grows and where he was far from all sources of food - and he was told that his food supply would come from a raven. I'm sure even Elijah thought that was unlikely! But then it happened like clockwork, every morning and every evening a flock of ravens brought him his food. It is not surprising to me that God - after all, he is our father - brought about this destiny. Scripture is full of stories of provisions, just like those of Elijah and the ravens. King David observed: "I was young and grew old, and never saw the righteous forsaken, and his children begging for bread" (Psalm 37,25).

So I want to encourage you, dear reader, to reflect on how unexpectedly God has blessed you. Where is His grace in your life that is remarkable and extraordinary? Did you notice? Where have you found God's fullness when you least expected it? Who, like a raven, gave you the bread of heaven and the living water? You will be surprised when you find out!

by Joseph Tkach

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