Jesus and the resurrection


753 jesus and the resurrectionEvery year we celebrate Jesus' resurrection. He is our Savior, Savior, Redeemer and our King. As we celebrate Jesus' resurrection, we are reminded of the promise of our own resurrection. Because we are united in faith with Christ, we share in his life, death, resurrection, and glory. This is our identity in Jesus Christ.

We have accepted Christ as our Savior and Savior, therefore our life is hidden in Him. We are with him where he was, where he is now and where he will be in the future. At Jesus' second coming, we will be with him and reign with him in his glory. We share in him, he shares his life with us as presented in the Lord's Supper.

This way of speaking may sound strange today. The scientific worldview trains people to look for things that can be seen and measured with physical instruments. Paul speaks of unseen realities, of spiritual truths that are beyond physical examination and concept. He says that there is more to our existence and more to our identity than can be seen with the naked eye: "But faith is a firm confidence in what is hoped for and an undoubted belief in what is not seen" ( Hebrew 11,1).
Although the human eye cannot see how we were buried with Christ, in reality we were. We cannot see how we participated in Christ's resurrection, but the reality is that we are risen in Jesus and with him. Although we cannot see the future, we know it is reality. We will be resurrected, reign with Jesus, live with Christ forever, and share in His glory. Christ is the first fruits and in him all are made alive: "For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive" (1. Corinthians 15,22).

Christ is our forerunner, and the evidence of this is the fulfillment of the promise to each of us who are united with him. The resurrection is indeed wonderful news for each of us, a central part of the wonderful message of the gospel.

If there is no future life, then our faith is worthless: 'If there is no resurrection of the dead, neither has Christ been raised. But if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, so is your faith in vain” (1 Cor5,13-14). Christ is indeed risen. He reigns in glory now, he will come again and we will live with him in glory.

Please note that there is a price that must be paid. We also share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Paul put it this way: "I would like to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings and so be made like his death, so that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 3,10-11).
Paul exhorts us to look forward: “Forgetting what is behind, I reach forward to what is ahead, pressing on to the goal before me, the prize of God's heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. Now as many of us are perfect, let us be so minded” (Philippians 3,13-15).

Our reward in heaven is prepared for us: 'But our citizenship is in heaven; Whence also we await the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall transform our humble body to be like his glorious body, according to the power with which to subject all things to himself" (Philippians 3,20-21).

When the Lord Jesus returns, we will be resurrected to be with Him forever in glory that we can only begin to imagine. Moving forward requires patience. In the fast lane of the freeway society we live in, it's hard to be patient. But let's remember that God's Spirit gives us patience because He lives in us!

Evangelism comes naturally through a group of faithful, devoted, committed and grateful disciples. Being the people God has called us to be—brothers and sisters of Jesus, guided and motivated by His love—is the most important way the good news is spread. It is far more powerful for people to get to know Jesus and see Him at work among His people. Merely hearing a message from a stranger without a graphic representation of the true power that brings joy and peace of God is unconvincing. So we continue to emphasize the need for Christ's love among us.

Jesus has risen! God has given us the victory, and we don't need to feel like all is lost. He reigns on his throne and loves us as much today as ever. He will do and complete His work in us. Let's stand with Jesus and trust that he leads us to know God better, to love God more and to love one another more.

"God give you enlightened eyes of heart, that you may know the hope to which he has called you, and the riches of the glory of his inheritance for the saints" (Ephesians 1,18).

Your true reward, dear reader, is beyond the present moment, but you can always experience the blessings of the Kingdom more now by trusting Jesus and walking in the Spirit with Him at all times. His love and goodness will flow through you to all those around you, and your gratitude is an expression of your love for the Father!

by Joseph Tkach

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The life in Christ

Jesus and the resurrection