
God's love life

I know that my saviour is alive!

Pentecost: Spirit and new beginnings

The tightrope walk of a Christian

Accused and acquitted

Father, forgive them

The power of presence

The message of the crown of thorns

Resurrection: The work is done

Jesus was not alone

New fulfilled life

God's love

The Lord will take care of it

Questions of faith

The five solas of the Reformation


Virtues of faith in everyday life

Discover your uniqueness

Interpret the Bible correctly

Beyond self-justification

The Messiah Mystery

Mary, the mother of Jesus

Hope in darkness

The message for Christmas

The secret

God's gift to us

A heart like his

The diverse grace of God

The prayer: simplicity instead of burden

I'm safe

The immeasurable love of God

Beyond labels

Stones in God's hand

The Glorious Temple

Who is the church?

The Rock: Jesus Christ

reward of following Jesus Christ

God's unconditional love

From the Garden of Eden to the New Covenant

The comforting reality of God

Jesus: Truth Personified

Ascension of Christ

The most important thing in life

Life by God's Spirit

enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit

The Miracle of Pentecost

Overcome: Nothing can hinder God's love

blessings from heaven

Jesus and the resurrection

praise of the capable woman

The cross on Calvary

New creatures

A sapling in the barren soil

Jesus' last words

It is finished

All people are included

The Life of the Apostle Peter

His work in us

Who Was Jesus?

The special label

The immeasurable riches

Walk through life with God

Invisible Reality

The right time

The incredible love of God

The Prince of Peace

where is the king

Reconciliation refreshes the heart

Free magazine

The expanding universe

Tell them you love them!

God loves us

How do we get wisdom?

The problem with love

stones of rejection

Tree trunk in the living room

prayer for all people

Our Heart - A Letter from Christ

A letter from Christ

call home

Jesus is our mediator

When inner bonds fall

The life in Christ

When were you saved?

The Holy Spirit: A Gift!

In the image of God

The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus

Good advice or good news?

What is the message of Jesus?

Come and see!

Jesus - The Water of Life

It's not fair

The touch of God

The parable of the potter

close your eyes and trust

You belong

It smells like life

Think of Jesus with joy

The Bronze Serpent

God's kingdom is near

Does God live on earth?

The entrance to the sanctuary

The pastoral story

God has no needs

Painful losses

How long will it be?

Jesus is the way

Grace and hope

The triple melody

The newborn king

The word became meat

Story about space and time

From darkness to light

Anticipation and anticipation

When will Jesus come again?

The invitation to life

The lost coin

Does God hold the strings in his hand?

In the stream of life

Maria chose the better

Jesus and the women

The bride and groom

Come and drink

My new identity

Righteous without works

Conversion, repentance and repentance

Christ in you

be in Christ

Crucified in Christ


Decisions in daily life

Self portrait

God's wrath

Prayer out of gratitude

The Holy Spirit: He lives in us!

Pentecost: strength for the gospel

Profession and calling

Verily he is the Son of God

Jesus came for all people

Erased forever

Encounter with Jesus

The empty grave: what's in it for you?

Two banquets

The exalted Son of Man

Meaningful words

Travel: unforgettable meals

The broken jug

Il Divino the Divine

The story of Mefi-Boschets

Birthday candles

Valentine's Day - The day of lovers

The best new year's resolution

Christmas at home

The real light

God with us

The vine and the branches

Wedding wine

Mankind has a choice

Does God still love us?

The certainty of salvation

Be a giant of faith

Place of God's Presence

Immanuel - God with us

DNA of the new creation


Separating wheat from chaff

Answering machine

At the low point

Cut flowers that wither

Compare, evaluate and judge

Does grace tolerate sin?

Jesus has risen, he is alive

Jesus: The Bread of Life

To have eternal life

The Rapture Doctrine

Be a family

Trinitarian, Christ-centered theology

Step of faith

Christ is risen

I am Pilate's wife

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

From the caterpillar to the butterfly

The whole picture of Jesus

Boarding pass for the Kingdom of God

The new creation

A new heart

The spirit of truth

The redeemed life

Covenant of forgiveness

Corona virus crisis

Breathing the air

Live for God or in Jesus

Blind trust

The light glows

Christ's light in the world

God's gift to humanity

The greatest birth story

Be a blessing to others

Join me!

The unlimited fullness of God

sign of time

A difficult child

The heavy burden of sin

The Last Supper of Jesus

Fake news?

The best of all gifts

Broken relationships

To fulfill the law

The Last Judgement

Experience real freedom

True worship

The better choice

A fulfilled life?


Rest in Jesus

Who is Nicodemus?

Being together with Jesus

body language

The seduction of wealth

A big step for humanity

Grace the best teacher

Source of living water

Jesus knows you exactly

The true church

Fellowship with God

Warm relationships

The Holy Spirit lives in you!


Jesus, the fulfilled covenant

In the right place at the right time

Afraid of the last court?

Jesus lives!

Faith - see the invisible

Who is Barabbas?

Lazarus come out!

New life

Four foundations about God

Worship or idol worship

Living in the love of God

The high price of the kingdom of God

He can do it!

To experience God with all senses

The universe

Christ lives in you!


Jesus: The Kingdom of God


The blue gem earth

What do you think about the word God?

Wo bist du?

Jesus: the promise

When the time was right

God is with us

Your next trip

God has blessed us!

Psalm 8: Lord of the Hopeless

The faithful dog

The Kingdom of God Part 1

In the right place at the right time

I see Jesus in you

Radical love

Understand the kingdom

Our true value

Relationships: Model of Christ

In search of inner peace

The Gospel - your invitation to the Kingdom of God

God gives us true life

Five basic principles of worship

I am an addict

He loves me

That's what I love about Jesus

Beautiful presents

What are the good gifts?

You first!

What do you think about non-believers?

Hope for the blind

There is still much to write

Let Christ's light shine

sign of time

Why are there prophecies?

Only words

Are you meek?

Jesus - the better sacrifice

Stay in Christ

Let God be as he is

The wheat grain

Jesus the firstling

The anchor for life

Jesus - the wisdom in person!

Pond or river?

Salvation is God's matter

Find peace in Jesus

A life in abundance

The coming of the Lord

Stay calm

Come, Lord Jesus

Nothing separates us from the love of God

The Gospel - The Good News!

Peace on Mother's Day

The Holy Spirit makes it possible

The first should be the last!

A lesson from the laundry

Roman 10,1-15: Good news for everyone

It is really accomplished

Focus on Jesus

Command your works to the LORD

God's relationship with his people

Matthew 9: Purpose of Healings

The Last Judgement

A reminder at the right time

See evangelism through the glasses of Jesus

Jesus: The perfect salvation program

Intentions or prayer

Are you waiting for your heavenly home?

Virgin birth of Jesus

Three in unison

Poverty and generosity

Words have power

The miracle of rebirth

What does it mean to be in Christ?

The glory of God's forgiveness

Jesus said, I am the truth

Where was God?

The medium is the message

With patience to work

He took care of her

Decide to smile

God's relationship with his people

Matthew 7: The Sermon on the Mount


Use the gift of time

How is your conscience trained?

Raise the Lord, my soul

God loves all people

miracles of healing

We celebrate Ascension Day

What do you think about your consciousness?

The mines King Solomon's part 22

Cohabitation with God

Matthew 6: The Sermon on the Mount


The caring trap

Hurry and wait!

With what body will the dead be resurrected?

It is not fair!

The end is the new beginning

Is the law of Moses also valid for Christians?

Gardens and deserts

What Jesus says about the Holy Spirit

Matthew 5: The Sermon on the Mount

With confidence before the throne

Insight into eternity

The Mines of King Solomon (part 21)

God's relationship with his people in the psalms

Forgiveness: A vital key

Christ our Passover lamb

The essence of grace

God's grace

God is ...

From the service to the next

My eyes have seen your salvation

The whole armor of God

Our reasonable worship

Is Christ in, where Christ is on it?

To fulfill the law

Written on his hand

The hunger deep inside us

I'll be back and stay forever!

Why pray, when God knows everything?


Day by Day

Salvation for all people


The religion of the New Atheism

Day by Day

Hope for all

The grace of God

The future

Speaking of Life

for thought

What do you think about non-believers?

Concerned about your salvation?

Do you feel guilty?

Do we teach the All-reconciliation?

The Rapture - Jesus' return

What Matthew 24 says about "the end"

Will I get away with it?

Enjoy the journey

A better way

Become a spiritual diamond

Better than ants

Why does not God answer my prayer?

Chosen by God

The goodwill of strangers

Defender of the faith

Be a blessing to others

What do you think about non-believers?

Confession of an anonymous legalist

With a new heart into the new year!

Are we preaching "cheap grace"?

The problem of evil in this world

Start the day with God

Matthew 5: The Sermon on the Mount (part 1)

The Mines of King Solomon (part 20)

In the ghetto

Nothing to do

Protect me from your successors

The best Christmas present

1914-1918: "The War That Killed God": An Answer

The Mines of King Solomon (part 13)

The Kingdom of God (part 2)

The humble king

When was Jesus born?

Xmas - Christmas

Only for your eyes

The miracle of Jesus' birth

Born to die

Advent and Christmas

Carefree in God

Make the most of every opportunity

Mysteries and secrets

God never stops loving us!

Are we living in the last few days?

The invisible becomes visible

Do not abuse God's grace

The descendants of Abraham

Take your sword!

In secret mission

What is salvation?

No escape

God in a box

Fickleness and loyalty

An unimaginable inheritance

Psalm 9 and 10: praise and solicitation

The Mines of King Solomon (part 14)

The Kingdom of God (part 3)

If I were God

I'm not 100% Venda

Our true identity and meaning

Rediscovery of the Epistle to the Romans

Fix the priorities


What is baptism?

Martin Luther

Lazarus and the rich man - a story of unbelief

The transformation of water into wine

Karl Barth: Prophet of the Church

Why does God make Christians suffer?

Christ is here!

Parched relationship with God

Eternal Hellstrings - Divine or Human Revenge?

Only ONE way?


Sin and not despair?

Bear good fruit

Faith - see the invisible

Give your worst to the master

A transforming letter

The salvation of the whole world

The Gospel - God's declaration of love to us

Who was Jesus before he was born?

The Mines of King Solomon (part 19)

God's grace - too good to be true?

Deciding to look at God

The other side of the coin

Losses . , ,

Does God give a second chance?

How amazing is the love of God

Jesus is our reconciliation

What Dr. Faustus did not know

The Mines of King Solomon (part 15)

The Kingdom of God (part 4)

In the favor of the king

Grace in suffering and death

Easter Sunday

Lazarus, come out!

God also loves atheists

Jesus was not alone

The expanding universe

To be too good to be true

Is there an eternal punishment?

Trumpet Day: A feast fulfilled in Christ

Prayer - much more than words

Jesus and the Church in Revelation 12

The Mines of King Solomon (part 18)

Our new identity in Christ

The resurrection and return of Jesus Christ

Decide for the present

(K) a return to normality

With Jesus in joy and sorrow

Satan the devil

The Gospel - a branded article?

Our true identity

Review of the WKG

The gift of motherhood

Six functions of the church

Ascension and second coming of Christ

Adopted by Jesus

Why did Jesus have to die?

Who is this man?

Reason for hope

Take the plunge

Unheard, scandalous grace

Mercy for all

Unity in diversity

He brought peace

The heavenly judge

The present and future kingdom of God

The end

The sky is up - is not it?

short thought

Speaking of Life

The Prince of Peace

John the Baptist

Identity in Christ

Reconciliation - what is it?

Christ, the end of the law

We are God's work

Does God still love you?

God the potter

Hurry and wait!

The gospel good news?


The poured out life of Christ

The Kingdom of God (part 5)

He gives us full

Gold Chunk verses

God's GPS

Law and grace

The armor of God

God: Three gods?

Can you find the Trinity in the Bible?

Questions about the Trinity

Jesus the perfect work of salvation

Where does Jesus live?

Who determines our actions?

Honor God daily

New creatures

Get to know Jesus

by Tammy Tkach

Do you believe?

Spiritual sacrifices

Founded on mercy

At their fruits

The future

Bible prophecy

History of Jeremy

information about us

The mines King Solomon's part 17

Spiritual gifts are given for service

We are not alone

Find our muse

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit



God - an introduction

The spirit world

Employee letter from J. Tkach

Historical creeds

The millennium

The intermediate state



The Last Judgment [eternal judgment]

The heritage of the faithful

The second coming of Christ

Biblical prophecy

Management structure of the church

Financial stewardship

The Lord's Supper





The Christian Sabbath


assurance of salvation


Believe in God


God's grace

Christian behavior

The gospel


The angelic world

The world of angels

The Christ

The church

The Holy Scriptures

Man [humanity]

The kingdom of God

The Holy Spirit

Jesus' blessing

What is the big mission command?

Portrait of Dr. Joseph Tkach

Jesus: Only a myth?

God, the son

Thoughts of Joseph Tkach

What is worship?

What is the New Covenant?

Who or what is Satan?

Satan is not divine

What is the church?

What is baptism?

What is sin?

Who or what is the Holy Spirit?

The triune God

God, the father


Forgive us our transgressions

Task of the church

A church, born again

The Bible - The Word of God?

How is God?

Who is Jesus Christ?

What is the message of Jesus Christ?

Bible course


God the Father

Who is Jesus Christ?

The Holy Spirit - functionality or personality?

Jesus in the Old Testament

Can you trust the Holy Spirit?

The knowledge of Jesus Christ

Realizing the reality of God I

Realizing God's Reality II


Trust in God

The wisdom of God

Jesus, the only way?

What is so special about Jesus?

Share the faith

Who is my enemy?

Someone else will do it

Antihistamine for the soul

What is freedom?




God is emotional

Release the power of God in prayer

The Kingdom of God (part 6)

The Mines of King Solomon (part 16)

Crowned with thorns

The church

What is the church?

Who is God?

The divinity of the Holy Spirit

Book Recommendation

About Us

WKG International


Tempted for our sake

Our triune God: living love

God has nothing against you

Experiences with God

The touch of God

How should I pray effectively?


The difficult way

Roughly draw conclusions

Piece by piece

Local aliens

What God reveals affects us all

The greatest need of humanity

The mediator is the message

Jesus: The cleanser

Jesus: Only a myth?

Just come as you are!

Momentary happiness

Jesus yesterday, today and forever

Light, God and grace

Stay focused on God's grace

practice of prayer

Trinitarian theology

The appreciation of our baptism

Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus

Invisible visibility


Christ's light shines in the darkness

Magazine "Succession"