The Miracle of Pentecost

The Pentecost MiracleThe miracle of Pentecost has sent forth its light. The birth or incarnation of the Son of God, Jesus, was a culmination of God's love. Jesus embodied this love to the end when he sacrificed himself for us on the cross to blot out our sins. He then rose again as the victor over death.

When Jesus spoke in advance of these coming events to his apostles, they did not understand what he was trying to tell them. They were completely confused about the announced events. Also when they heard: "If you loved me, you would rejoice that I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I" (John 14,28), these words were an incomprehensible riddle for her.

Just before Jesus disappeared from sight in a cloud before the eyes of the apostles on his ascension, he promised them that they would receive the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would come upon them and they would then be his witnesses.

On the day of Pentecost the apostles and disciples were gathered together. Suddenly a roar from heaven, accompanied by a mighty wind, filled the house. "And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which were divided and settled on each of them" (Acts 2,3 Butcher Bible). They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began preaching in different languages.

Then Peter took up the word and proclaimed the gospel about the salvation of people who believe in Jesus and his work of salvation: people who leave their wrong path, listen to the Holy Spirit and do what he puts in their hearts. They have been richly gifted with love and live in peace, joy and an unbreakable relationship with God.

The miracle of Pentecost can also transform your life with divine power through the Holy Spirit. It enables you to lay down your old sinful nature at the cross with your heavy burdens. Jesus paid for this with his perfect sacrifice. They were freed from that burden, redeemed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. You can draw upon the words of the apostle Paul that will transform your whole life: "Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come" (2. Corinthians 5,17).

If you believe these words and act accordingly, you have experienced your rebirth as a new person. The love of God will work the miracle of Pentecost for you when you accept this truth for yourself.

by Toni Püntener

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