Where was God?

It survived the fires of the Revolutionary War and saw New York rise to become the greatest city in the world - a small church called St. Paul's Chapel. It is located in the southern part of Manhattan surrounded by skyscrapers. It has also become known under the name “The Little Chapel That Stood”. The little church that stood]. It was given this nickname because when it collapsed... Read more ➜

Jesus - The Water of Life

A common assumption when treating people suffering from heat exhaustion is to simply give them more water. The problem is that the person suffering from it could drink half a liter of water and still not feel better. In reality, the affected person's body is missing something vital. The salts in your body have... Read more ➜

The medium is the message

Social scientists use interesting words to describe the times in which we live. You've probably heard the words "premodern," "modern," or "postmodern." In fact, some call the times we live in now a postmodern world. Social scientists also suggest different techniques for effective communication for each generation, be it the... Read more ➜

Anticipation and anticipation

I will never forget the answer my wife Susan gave when I told her that I loved her very much and would she consider marrying me. She said yes, but she would have to ask her father for permission first. Luckily her father agreed with our decision. Anticipation is an emotion. She is eagerly waiting for a future, positive event. Also… Read more ➜

Come and drink

One hot afternoon as a teenager, I was working with my grandfather in the apple orchard. He asked me to bring him the water jug ​​so that he could take a long drink of "Adam's Ale" (meaning pure water). That was his flowery expression for fresh still water. Just as pure water refreshes physically, God's Word revitalizes our spirit when we engage in a spiritual... Read more ➜

Overcome: Nothing can hinder God's love

Have you felt the gentle pulsation of an obstacle in your life and have your plans been limited, held back or slowed down as a result? I have often found myself a prisoner of the weather when unpredictable weather thwarts my departure on a new adventure. Urban journeys become labyrinths due to the network of road construction work. Some may like... Read more ➜

It's not fair

It's not fair!" – If a donation was due every time we heard someone say this or said it ourselves, we would probably become rich. Justice has been a rare commodity since the beginning of human history. Even at kindergarten age, most of us have had the painful experience that life is not always fair. So we adjust ourselves, as much as it... Read more ➜

All people are included

Jesus has risen! We can well understand the excitement of the gathered disciples of Jesus and the believers. He is risen! Death could not hold him; the grave had to release him. More than 2000 years later, we still greet each other with these enthusiastic words on Easter morning. “Jesus is truly risen!” Jesus' resurrection sparked a movement that continues to this day... Read more ➜