enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit

In 1983, John Scully decided to leave his prestigious position at Pepsico to become president of Apple Computer. He embarked on an uncertain future by leaving the safe haven of an established company and joining a young company that offered no security, just one man's visionary idea. Scully made this bold decision after Apple co-founder,… Read more ➜

Our Heart - A Letter from Christ

When did you last receive a letter in the mail? In the modern age of email, Twitter and Facebook, most of us receive fewer and fewer letters than we used to. But in the days before electronic messaging, almost everything over long distances was done by letter. It was and still is very simple; a piece of paper, a pen to write, an envelope and a stamp, that's all you need. In… Read more ➜

Maria chose the better

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived in Bethany, about three kilometers southeast of the Mount of Olives from Jerusalem. Jesus came to the house of the two sisters Mary and Marta. What would I give if I could see Jesus come to my home today? Visible, audible, tangible and tangible! “But when they moved on, he came to a village. There was a woman named Marta who took him in »(Lk 10,38). Martha is… Read more ➜

The broken jug

Once upon a time there lived a water carrier in India. A heavy wooden stick rested on his shoulders, to which a large water jug ​​was attached on either side. Now one of the pitchers had a jump. The other, on the other hand, was perfectly formed and with it the water carrier could deliver a full portion of water at the end of his long journey from the river to his master's house. In the broken jug, however, there was only about half of the... Read more ➜

The most important thing in life

What is the most important thing in your life? What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing in our lives. The most revealing thing about the church is always its idea of ​​God. What we think and believe about God influences the way we live, how we maintain our relationships, conduct our businesses, and what we do with our money and resources. It influences governments and… Read more ➜

Jesus - The Water of Life

A common assumption when treating people suffering from heat exhaustion is to simply give them more water. The problem is that the person suffering from it could drink half a liter of water and still not feel better. In reality, the affected person's body is missing something vital. The salts in her body have depleted to a point that no... Read more ➜

The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus

After his suffering, death and resurrection, Jesus repeatedly showed himself to his disciples as the living one over a period of forty days. They were able to experience Jesus' appearance several times, even behind closed doors, as a risen man in a transfigured form. They were allowed to touch him and eat with him. He talked to them about the kingdom of God and what it will be like when God establishes his rule and his... Read more ➜

A sapling in the barren soil

We are created, dependent and limited beings. None of us have life within ourselves. Life was given to us and is being taken away from us. The Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit exists from eternity, without beginning and without end. He was always with the Father, from eternity. That is why the apostle Paul writes: "He [Jesus], who was in divine form, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but... Read more ➜