Only words

466 only wordsSometimes I enjoy taking a musical journey into the past. An old hit by the Bee Gees from the 1960's brought me to my topic for today while listening to a rendition of the track "Words". "It's just words, and words are all I have to win your heart."

What would songs be without words? The composers Schubert and Mendelssohn wrote a number of 'Songs without Words', but I can't remember any of them in particular. What would our services be without words? When we sing new songs, we pay close attention to the words, even if the melody isn't that catchy. Famous speeches, moving sermons, great literature, inspirational poetry, even travel guides, detective stories and fairy tales all have one thing in common: words. Jesus, the marvelous Savior of all mankind, is titled Logos or The Word. Christians refer to the Bible as the word of God.

At the time of creation, people were also given the language. God spoke directly to Adam and Eve, and no doubt they also talked to each other. Satan used very tantalizing words to influence Eve's heart, and she repeated it to Adam in a slightly modified version. The result was catastrophic, to say the least.

After the Flood, all people spoke the same language. Verbal communication was of crucial importance for the planning of the tower, which was to "reach to the heavens". But this endeavor was in direct contradiction to God's command to multiply and populate the earth, so he decided to put an end to "progress." how did he do that? He confused their speech, making it impossible for them to understand each other's words.

But with the new covenant came a new beginning. Many groups of people from different countries came to Jerusalem and gathered on the day of Pentecost to celebrate the festival. The festival took place shortly after Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. All who heard Peter's speech that day were deeply astonished when they heard him preaching the gospel in their own language! Whether the miracle was hearing or speaking, the language barrier was lifted. Three thousand people understood enough to experience remorse and forgiveness. On this day, the church began.

Mastery of the tongue

Words can hurt or heal, sadden or impress. When Jesus began his ministry, the people were amazed at the kind words that came out of his mouth. Later, when some of the disciples turned away, Jesus asked the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?" Then Simon Peter, who was seldom at a loss for words, answered him: "Lord, where shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6,67-68).

The letter of James has a lot to say about the use of the tongue. James compares them with a spark sufficient to set a whole forest on fire. Here in South Africa we know that enough! A few spiteful words in social media can trigger a war of words that engender hatred, violence and enmity.

So how should we Christians deal with our words? As long as we are flesh and blood, we will not be able to do this perfectly. James writes, "But he who does not fall short in his word is a perfect man" (James 3,2). There has only been one person who was perfect; none of us succeed. Jesus knew exactly when to say something and when to be silent. The Pharisees and teachers of the law tried repeatedly to "catch him in his words," but they failed.

We can ask in prayer that we share the truth in love. Love can sometimes be "tough love" when it's necessary to speak out. It can also mean considering the effect on others and finding the right words.

I remember very well when I was a child and my father said to me, "I have a word to say to you." That could only mean that a rebuke would follow, but when he exclaimed, "You do nor words!” then it usually meant something good.

Jesus assures us: “Heaven and earth will pass away; but my words will not pass away” (Mat 24,35). My favorite Scripture is at the end of the Book of Revelation, where it says that God will make all things new, a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor outcry, nor pain. Jesus commissioned John: "Write, for these words are true and certain!" (Rev1,4-5). Jesus' words, as well as the indwelling Holy Spirit, are all we have and what we need to enter God's glorious kingdom.

by Hilary Jacobs

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