The power of presence

presenceAt the heart of the Christian message is the call to love and support one another. We often don't see ourselves as particularly talented and wonder how we can help other people. I found the answer to that on a mug: “Some people make the world special just by being there.”

I first became aware of the power of presence while meeting women in Africa. It explained how they can support women in their local community by simply being there for others. Sitting next to a sick person, holding the hand of someone who is going through difficulties, calling someone or sending them a card makes all the difference. Simply being there for a person who is in pain or desperate is a huge help. Their presence conveys love, compassion and a sense of togetherness in suffering.

God made a promise to his people Israel to be with them: “Be of good courage and courage; do not be afraid or be dismayed by them; for the Lord your God himself will go with you, and will not turn away his hand, nor forsake you" (Deuteronomy 51,6). He does not say that all our problems will disappear, but He promises to be with us at every step of our lives: “I will not leave you nor depart from you” (Hebrews 13,5).

Moses replied to the promise of his presence: "Unless your face goes before us, do not bring us up from here. For how shall it be known that I and your people have found favor in your sight, except by the fact that you go with us, so that I and your people may be exalted above all the nations that are on the face of the earth?" (Exodus 23,15-16). Moses trusted in the presence of God.

Likewise, Jesus promised that he would be with the disciples and with all who believe in him through the Holy Spirit: "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, to be with you forever: the Spirit the truth which the world cannot receive, for it neither sees nor knows him. You know him, for he abides with you and will be in you" (John 14,16-17). Jesus emphasizes this particularly when he says: «I do not want to leave you orphans; I am coming to you” (verse 18).

You have probably also experienced times when it seemed that your prayers were not being answered. No solution was in sight. The only answer seemed to be: “Wait!” During this waiting period, you felt the presence of God and received His comfort and peace. Paul calls on the Thessalonians to support and encourage one another: “Therefore, comfort one another and build up one another, just as you do” (1. Thes 5,11).

How beautiful and wonderful it is to experience the presence of God yourself! Through the indwelling Spirit, you can bring God's presence into the lives of those around you through your presence and concern.

by Tammy Tkach

 More articles about dealing with people:

Words have power 

How do we deal with non-believers?