History of Jeremy

148 story of JeremyJeremy was born with a disfigured body, a slow mind, and a chronic, incurable disease that had slowly killed his entire young life. Nevertheless, his parents had tried to give him a normal life as far as possible and therefore sent him to a private school.

At the age of 12, Jeremy was only in second grade. His teacher, Doris Miller, was often desperate with him. He shifted in his chair, drooling and making grunting noises. Sometimes he spoke again clearly, as if a bright light had penetrated the darkness of his brain. Most of the time, however, Jeremy stirred up his teacher. One day, she called his parents and asked them to go to school for counseling.

When the Forresters were sitting quietly in the empty class, Doris said to them: “Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It is not fair for him to be with other children who have no learning problems. "

Ms. Forrester was crying softly as her husband said, “Ms. Miller,” he said, “it would be a terrible shock to Jeremy if we had to take him out of school. We know that he really enjoys being here. "

Doris sat there long after her parents had left, she stared through the window at the snow. It wasn't fair to have Jeremy in her class ...

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Just come as you are!

152 just come as you are

Billy Graham has often used a phrase to encourage people to accept the salvation we have in Jesus: He said, "Just come as you are!" It is a reminder that God sees everything: our best and worst and he still loves us. The call "easy to come as you are" is a reflection of the words of the apostle Paul:

“For Christ died for us wicked even when we were weak. Hardly anyone dies for the sake of a righteous man; for the sake of goodness he may venture his life. But God shows his love for us in the fact that Christ died for us when we were still sinners ”(Romans 5,6-8).

Many people today don't even think in terms of sin. Our modern and postmodern generation thinks more in terms of a feeling of "emptiness", "hopelessness" or "futility", and they see the cause of their inner struggle in a feeling of inferiority. They may try to love themselves as a means of becoming adorable, but more likely than not, they feel that they are completely worn out, broken, and that they will never be whole again. God does not define us by our shortcomings and failures; he sees our whole life. The bad as the good and he loves us unconditionally. Even if it is not difficult for God to ...

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