Meaningful words

634 meaningful wordsIt was a tense morning in front of the seat of the Roman governor in Jerusalem. Part of the Israelite people were incited and cheered by their superiors to loudly demand that Jesus be crucified. This brutal punishment, which could only be issued for a crime against the state authorities under Roman law, could only be ordered by the pagan, Pontius Pilate, who was hated by the Jews.

Now Jesus stood before him and had to answer his questions. Pontius Pilate knew that the superiors of the people had handed Jesus over to him out of pure envy and he also had the words of his wife in his ears that he should have nothing to do with this righteous man. Jesus was silent on most of his questions.
Pilate knew what a triumphant reception Jesus had received into the city just a few days earlier. Nevertheless, he tried to avoid truth and justice because he lacked the courage to stand up for his convictions and release Jesus. Pilate took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd and said: “I am innocent of this man's blood; you watch! " So both the people of Israel and all the Gentiles were guilty of Jesus' death.

Pilate asked Jesus: Are you the King of the Jews? When he got the answer: Are you saying that for yourself, or have others told you about me? Pilate replied: "Am I a Jew? Your people and the chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?" Jesus replied: My kingdom is not of this world, otherwise my servants would fight for it. Pilate further asked: So you are still a king? Jesus replied: You say I am a king (John 18,28-19,16).

These and the following words are meaningful words. Jesus' life and death depended on them. The King of all kings gave his life for all humanity. Jesus died and rose for all people and offers new eternal life to everyone who believes in him. Jesus has uttered his divine glory, his power and majesty, his shine of light and his possessions and has become human beings, but without sin. Through his death, He took away the power and strength of sin and thereby reconciled us to Heavenly Father. As the risen King, he breathed spiritual life into us so that we may be one with him and the Father through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is truly our King. His love is the reason for our salvation. It is his will that we will live with him forever in his kingdom and glory. These words are so meaningful that they can affect our whole life. In the love of the risen King, Jesus.

by Toni Püntener