Start the day with God

I firmly believe that it is good to start the day with God. Some days I start by saying "Good morning God!" At others I say, "Good lord it's tomorrow!" Yes, I know that's a bit old-fashioned, but I can honestly say I feel that way at times.

A year ago, the woman I shared the room with at a conference for writers was just wonderful. No matter what time we went to bed, she spent at least an hour of prayer or Bible study before she began her day. Four, five or six o'clock - that did not matter to her! I got to know this woman quite well and that is still her normal routine. She's very consistent in that - no matter where she is in the world right now, no matter how busy her schedule is that day. She is a really special person whom I admire very much. I almost felt guilty when I told her not to worry about the reading light when she got up because I can sleep in the light too.

Please don't get me wrong! I firmly believe that it is good to start your day with God. Time with God in the morning gives us the strength to cope with the tasks of the day, helps us to find peace in the midst of worries. It lets us focus our gaze on God and not on our irritating little things that we make bigger than they actually are. It helps us keep our minds in tune and speak kind words to others. Therefore, I strive for longer periods of prayer and Bible reading in the morning. I strive for it, but I am not always successful. Sometimes my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. At least that's my biblical excuse6,41). Maybe you can identify with her too.

Nevertheless, all is not lost. There's no reason to think our day is doomed for it. We can still be consistent and acknowledge God at least anew each morning when we wake up—even while we're still in our warm beds. It's fascinating what a short "Thank you Lord for the good night's sleep!" can do to us if we use it to make ourselves aware of the presence of God. If we haven't slept well, we might say something like, “I didn't sleep well last night, Lord, and I need your help to get through the day well. I know you made this day. Help me enjoy it.” If we've overslept, we might say something like, “Oh. It's already late. Thank you sir for the extra sleep. Now please help me get started and focus on you!” We can invite God to enjoy a cup of coffee with us. We can talk to him when we drive to work. We can let him know that we love him and thank him for his unconditional love for us. Suppose... We don't start our day with God because He expects it or because He's displeased with us if we don't. We start the day with God as a small gift to ourselves. This sets the inner attitude of the day and helps us to focus on the spiritual and not just the physical. It should be our concern to live for God every day. It's debatable how that can happen if we don't start the day with him.

by Barbara Dahlgren

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