Christ our Passover lamb

375 christ our passahlamm"For our Passover lamb was slaughtered for us: Christ" (1. Corinthians 5,7).

We do not want to pass by nor overlook the great event that occurred in Egypt nearly 4000 years ago when God set Israel free from slavery. Ten plagues in 2. Moses, were necessary to shake Pharaoh in his stubbornness, arrogance and in his haughty resistance to God.

The Passover was the final and definitive plague, so terrible that all the firstborn, both human and cattle, were killed as the Lord passed by. God spared the obedient Israelites when they were commanded to kill the lamb on the 14th day of the month of Abib and to put the blood on the lintel and doorposts. (Please refer 2. Moses 12). In verse 11 it is called the Lord's Passover.

Many may have forgotten the Old Testament Passover, but God reminds His people that Jesus, our Passover, was prepared as the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. (Johannes 1,29). He died on the cross after his body was torn and tortured by lashes, a spear pierced his side and blood flowed out. He endured all of this as was prophesied.

He left us an example. At his last Passover, which we now call the Lord's Supper, he taught his disciples to wash one another's feet as an example of humility. To commemorate his death, he gave them bread and a little wine to symbolically share in the eating of his flesh and in the drinking of his blood (1. Corinthians 11,23-26, John 6,53-59 and John 13,14-17). When the Israelites in Egypt painted the blood of the Lamb on the lintel and doorposts, it was a foresight to the blood of Jesus in the New Testament that was sprinkled on the doors of our hearts to cleanse our consciences and cleanse all of our sins his blood would be purified (Hebrews 9,14 and 1. John 1,7). The wages of sin is death, but the priceless gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the Lord's Supper we remember the death of our Savior so that we do not forget the painful and very shameful death on the cross that occurred 2000 years ago because of our sins.

The beloved Son, whom God the Father sent as the Lamb of God to pay the ransom for us, is one of the greatest gifts to human beings. We do not deserve this grace, but God has chosen us by his grace to give us eternal life through his beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, our Passover, died willingly to save us. We read in Hebrews 12,1-2 "Therefore, we too, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses around us, let us put away everything that weighs us down and the sin that constantly ensnares us, and let us run patiently in the battle that determines us looking up to Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who though he might have had joy, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

by Natu Moti

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