The kingdom of God

105 the kingdom of god

The kingdom of God, in the broadest sense, is God's sovereignty. God's rulership is already evident in the church and in the life of every believer who submits to his will. The kingdom of God will be fully established as a world order after Christ's second coming, when all things will be subject to it. (Psalm 2,6-twenty; 93,1-2; Luke 17,20-21; Daniel 2,44; Mark 1,14-15; 1. Corinthians 15,24-28; epiphany 11,15; 21.3.22/27/2; 2,1-5)

The present and future kingdom of God

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” John the Baptist and Jesus proclaimed the nearness of the kingdom of God (Matthew 3,2; 4,17; Mark 1,15). The long-awaited rulership of God was at hand. That message was called the gospel, the good news. Thousands were eager to hear and respond to this message from John and Jesus.

But think for a moment what the reaction would have been if they had preached, "The kingdom of God is 2000 years away." The message would have been disappointing and the public reaction would have been disappointing as well. Jesus might not have been popular, religious leaders might not have been jealous, and Jesus might not have been crucified. “The kingdom of God is far away” would have been neither new news nor good.

John and Jesus preached the soon-to-come kingdom of God, something that was close in time to their listeners. The message said something about what people should do now; it had immediate relevance and urgency. It sparked interest - and jealousy. By proclaiming that changes in government and religious teachings were necessary, the embassy challenged the status quo.

Jewish expectations in the first century

Many Jews living in the first century were familiar with the term "kingdom of God." They fervently desired that God send them a leader who would throw off Roman rule and restore Judea to an independent nation—a nation of righteousness, glory, and blessings, a nation to which all would be drawn.

Into this climate—eager but vague expectations of God-ordained intervention—Jesus and John preached the nearness of God's kingdom. "The kingdom of God is at hand," Jesus told his disciples after they had healed the sick (Matthew 10,7; Luke 19,9.11).

But the hoped-for kingdom did not come true. The Jewish nation was not restored. Even worse, the temple was destroyed and the Jews scattered. Jewish hopes are still unfulfilled. Was Jesus wrong in his statement, or did he not foretell a national kingdom?

Jesus' kingdom was not like popular expectation - as we can guess from the fact that many Jews liked to see him dead. His kingdom was out of this world (John 18,36). When he came across the
"Kingdom of God," he used terms that people understood well, but he gave them new meaning. He told Nicodemus that God's kingdom was invisible to most people (John 3,3) - in order to understand or experience it, one must be renewed by God's Holy Spirit (v. 6). The kingdom of God was a spiritual kingdom, not a physical organization.

The current state of the empire

In the Mount of Olives prophecy, Jesus announced that the kingdom of God would come after certain signs and prophetic events. But some of Jesus' teachings and parables state that the kingdom of God would not come in a dramatic way. The seed grows silently (Mark 4,26-29); the kingdom begins as small as a mustard seed (v. 30-32) and is hidden like leaven (Matthew 13,33). These parables suggest that the kingdom of God is a reality before it comes in a powerful and dramatic way. Besides the fact that it is a future reality, it is already a reality.

Let's look at some verses that show that the kingdom of God is already working. In the Markus 1,15 Jesus proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled… the kingdom of God is at hand.” Both verbs are in the past tense, indicating that something has happened and its consequences are ongoing. The time had not only come for the announcement, but also for the kingdom of God itself.

After casting out demons, Jesus said, "But if I cast out evil spirits by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you" (Matthew 12,2; Luke 11,20). The kingdom is here, he said, and the proof lies in the casting out of evil spirits. This evidence continues in the Church today because the Church is doing even greater works than Jesus did4,12). We can also say, "When we cast out demons by the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God is at work here and now." Through the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God continues to demonstrate its sovereign power over the kingdom of Satan.

Satan still exerts an influence, but he has been defeated and condemned (John 16,11). It was partially restricted (Markus 3,27). Jesus overcame the world of Satan (John 16,33) and with God's help we too can overcome them (1. John 5,4). But not everyone overcomes it. In this age, the kingdom of God contains both good and bad3,24-30. 36-43. 47-50; 24,45-twenty; 515,1-12. 14-30). Satan is still influential. We still await the glorious future of the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God, lively in the teachings

“The kingdom of heaven suffers violence to this day, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11,12). These verbs are in the present tense - the kingdom of God existed at the time of Jesus. A parallel passage, Luke 16,16, also uses present tense verbs: "...and everyone forces his way in". We don't need to find out who these violent ones are or why they use violence - what is important here is that these verses speak of the kingdom of God as a present reality.

Luke 16,16 replaces the first part of the verse with "...the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached". This variation suggests that the advance of the kingdom in this age is, in practical terms, approximately equivalent to its proclamation. The kingdom of God is - it already exists - and it is progressing through its proclamation.

In Mark 10,15, Jesus points out that the kingdom of God is something that we must somehow receive, obviously in this life. In what way is the kingdom of God present? The details are not yet clear, but the verses we looked at say that it is present.

The kingdom of God is among us

Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come7,20). You cannot see it, Jesus replied. But Jesus also said: “The kingdom of God is within you [a. Ü. among you]" (Luke 1 Cor7,21). Jesus was the king, and because he taught and worked miracles among them, the kingdom was among the Pharisees. Jesus is also in us today, and just as the kingdom of God was present in Jesus' ministry, so it is present in the service of his church. The king is among us; his spiritual power is in us, even if the kingdom of God is not yet operating in all its might.

We have already been transferred to God's kingdom (Colossians 1,13). We are already receiving a kingdom, and our correct answer to that is reverence and awe2,28). Christ “has made us [past tense] a kingdom of priests” (Rev 1,6). We are a holy people - now and present - but it has not yet been revealed what we will be. God has set us free from the rule of sin and placed us in his kingdom, under his reigning authority.

The kingdom of God is here, Jesus said. His listeners did not have to wait for a conquering Messiah - God is already ruling and we should now live his way. We do not own any territory yet, but we come under the rule of God.

The kingdom of God is still in the future

Understanding that the kingdom of God already exists helps us pay more attention to serving other people around us. But we do not forget that the completion of the kingdom of God is still in the future. If our hope is in this age alone, we don't have much hope (1. Corinthians 15,19). We do not have the illusion that the kingdom of God is
to bring about shameful efforts. When we suffer setbacks and persecutions when we see that most people reject the gospel, we draw strength from the realization that the fullness of the kingdom is in a future age.

No matter how much we try to live in a way that reflects God and His Kingdom, we can not turn that world into God's kingdom. This must come through a dramatic intervention. Apocalyptic events are necessary to usher in the new age.

Numerous verses tell us that the kingdom of God will be a glorious future reality. We know that Christ is a King, and we long for the day when He will use his power in great and dramatic ways to end human suffering. The book of Daniel foretells a kingdom of God that will rule over all earth (Daniel 2,44; 7,13-14. 22). The New Testament book of Revelation describes his coming (Revelation 11,15; 19,11-16).

We pray that the kingdom will come (Luke 11,2). The poor in spirit and the persecuted await their future "reward in heaven" (Matthew 5,3.10.12). People are coming into the kingdom of God in a future “day” of judgment (Matthew 7,21-23; Luke 13,22-30). Jesus shared a parable because some believed the kingdom of God was about to come in power9,11).

In the Mount of Olives prophecy, Jesus described dramatic events that would happen before His return in power and glory. Just before his crucifixion, Jesus anticipated a future kingdom6,29).

Paul speaks several times of "inheriting the kingdom" as a future experience (1. Corinthians 6,9-10;
15,50; Galatians 5,21; Ephesians 5,5) and, on the other hand, uses his language to indicate that he is the
Kingdom of God viewed as something that will only be realized at the end of the age (2. Thessalonians 2,12; 2Th
1,5; Colossians 4,11; 2. Timothy 4,1.18). When Paul focuses on the present manifestation of the kingdom, he tends either to introduce the term "righteousness" along with the "kingdom of God" (Romans 14,17) or to use instead (Romans 1,17). See Matthew 6,33 Regarding the close relationship of the kingdom of God with the righteousness of God. Or Paul tends (alternatively) to associate the kingdom with Christ rather than God the Father (Colossians 1,13). (J. Ramsey Michaels, "The Kingdom of God and the Historical Jesus," Chapter 8, The Kingdom of God in 20th-Century Interpretation, edited by Wendell Willis [Hendrickson, 1987], p. 112).

Many "kingdom of God" scriptures could refer to the present kingdom of God as well as to future fulfillment. Lawbreakers will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5,19-20). We leave families for the sake of the kingdom of God8,29). We enter the kingdom of God through tribulation (Acts 14,22). The most important thing in this article is that some verses are clearly in the present tense and some are clearly written in the future tense.

After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples asked him, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1,6). How should Jesus answer such a question? What the disciples meant by "kingdom" was not what Jesus taught. The disciples still thought in terms of a national kingdom rather than a slowly developing people made up of all ethnic groups. It took them years to realize that Gentiles were welcome in the new kingdom. Christ's Kingdom was still not of this world, but should be active in this age. So Jesus didn't say yes or no - He just told them there was work for them and power to do that work (vv. 7-8).

The kingdom of God in the past

Matthew 25,34 tells us that the kingdom of God has been in preparation since the foundation of the world. It was there all along, albeit in different forms. God was a king to Adam and Eve; he gave them dominion and authority to rule; they were his viceregents in the Garden of Eden. Although the word "kingdom" is not used, Adam and Eve were in a kingdom of God - under his dominion and possession.

When God made the promise to Abraham that his descendants would become great peoples and that kings would come from them (1. Moses 17,5-6), he promised them a kingdom of God. But it started off small, like leaven in a batter, and it took hundreds of years to see the promise.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and made a covenant with them, they became a kingdom of priests (2. Moses 19,6), a kingdom that belonged to God and could be called a kingdom of God. The covenant he made with them was similar to the treaties that mighty kings made with smaller nations. He had saved them, and the Israelites responded - they agreed to be his people. God was their King (1. Samuel 12,12; 8,7). David and Solomon sat on the throne of God and reigned in his name (1Chr 29,23). Israel was a kingdom of God.

But the people did not obey their God. God sent them away, but promised to restore the nation with a new heart1,31-33), a prophecy fulfilled in the Church today that shares in the new covenant. We who have been given the Holy Spirit are the royal priesthood and holy nation, which ancient Israel could not (1. Petrus 2,9; 2. Moses 19,6). We are in the kingdom of God, but there are weeds now growing between the grain. At the end of the age, the Messiah will return in power and glory, and the kingdom of God will again be changed in appearance. The kingdom that follows the Millennium, in which everyone is perfect and spiritual, will be drastically different from the Millennium.

Since the kingdom has historical continuity, it is correct to speak of it in terms of past, present, and future tenses. In its historical development it had and will continue to have major milestones as new phases are heralded. The empire was established on Mount Sinai; it was established in and through Jesus' work; it will be set up at its return, after judgment. In each phase, God's people will rejoice in what they have and they will rejoice even more in what is to come. As we now experience some limited aspects of the kingdom of God, we gain confidence that the future kingdom of God will also be a reality. The Holy Spirit is our guarantee of greater blessings (2. Corinthians 5,5; Ephesians 1,14).

The kingdom of God and the gospel

When we hear the word kingdom or kingdom, we are reminded of the kingdoms of this world. In this world, kingdom is associated with authority and power, but not with harmony and love. Kingdom can describe the authority that God has in his family, but it does not describe all the blessings that God has for us. That is why other images are used, such as the family term children, which emphasizes the love and authority of God.

Each term is accurate but incomplete. If any term could describe salvation perfectly, the Bible would use that term throughout. But they are all pictures, each describing a particular aspect of salvation - but none of these terms describe the whole picture. When God commissioned the church to preach the gospel, he did not limit us to using only the term "kingdom of God." The apostles translated Jesus' speeches from Aramaic into Greek, and they translated them into other images, especially metaphors, that had meaning to a non-Jewish audience. Matthew, Mark, and Luke often use the term "the kingdom." John and the Apostolic Epistles also describe our future, but they use different images to represent it.

Salvation [salvation] is a rather general term. Paul said we were saved (Ephesians 2,8), we will be saved (2. Corinthians 2,15) and we will be saved (Romans 5,9). God has given us salvation and he expects us to respond to him by faith. John wrote about salvation and eternal life as a present reality, a possession (1. John 5,11-12) and a future blessing.

Metaphors like salvation and the family of God - as well as the kingdom of God - are legitimate, even though they are only partial descriptions of God's plan for us. Christ's gospel can be called the gospel of the kingdom, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of grace, the gospel of God, the gospel of eternal life, and so on. The gospel is an announcement that we can live with God forever, and it includes information that this is possible through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.

When Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God, he did not emphasize its physical blessings or clarify its chronology. Instead, he focused on what people should do to have a part in it. Tax collectors and prostitutes come into the kingdom of God, said Jesus (Matthew 21,31), and they do this by believing in the gospel (v. 32) and doing the will of the Father (v. 28-31). We enter the kingdom of God when we answer God in faith and faithfulness.

In Mark 10, a person wanted to inherit eternal life, and Jesus said he should keep the commandments (Mark 10,17-19). Jesus added another commandment: He commanded him to give up all his possessions for the treasure in heaven (verse 21). Jesus remarked to the disciples, "How difficult it will be for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" (verse 23). The disciples asked, "Who then can be saved?" (v. 26). In this passage and in the parallel passage in Luke 18,18-30, several terms are used that point to the same thing: receive the kingdom, inherit eternal life, store up treasures in heaven, enter the kingdom of God, be saved. When Jesus said, "Follow me" (verse 22), He used a different expression to indicate the same thing: We enter the kingdom of God by aligning our lives with Jesus.

In Luke 12,31-34 Jesus points out that several expressions are similar: seek the kingdom of God, receive a kingdom, have treasure in heaven, give up trust in physical possessions. We seek God's kingdom by responding to Jesus' teaching. In Luke 21,28 and 30 the kingdom of God is equated with salvation. In Acts 20,22. 24-25. 32 we learn that Paul preached the gospel of the kingdom, and he preached the gospel of God's grace and faith. The kingdom is closely related to salvation - the kingdom would not be worth preaching if we could not have a part in it, and we can only enter through faith, repentance, and grace, so these are part of every message about the kingdom of God. Salvation is a present reality as well as a promise of future blessings.

In Corinth Paul preached nothing but Christ and his crucifixion (1. Corinthians 2,2). In Acts 28,23.29.31 Luke tells us that Paul preached in Rome both the kingdom of God and about Jesus and salvation. These are different aspects of the same Christian message.

The kingdom of God is not only relevant because it is our future reward, but also because it affects how we live and think in this age. We are preparing for the future kingdom of God by living in it now, in accordance with the teachings of our king. As we live in faith, we acknowledge God's reign as the present reality in our own experience, and we continue to hope in faith for a future time, when the kingdom will come to fulfillment, when the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord.

Michael Morrison

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