To have eternal life

601 have eternal lifeOn a fine spring day, Jesus spoke to the people near the Sea of ​​Galilee and healed many sick. Towards evening Jesus said to Philip, one of his disciples: "Where do we buy bread so that they can eat?" (Johannes 6,5). They didn't have enough money to give everyone a little bread. One child had five barley loaves and two fish, but where does that go for about 5000 men and also for their wives and children?

Jesus ordered people to camp in the grass in groups. He took the bread, looked at the sky, thanked him and gave it to the disciples. These passed bread and fish on to the people. The wonderful increase happened through the distribution of the food. When they were full, the disciples gathered more bread than they initially had.

The people were surprised when they saw this sign and said: "Verily this is the prophet who is to come into the world" (John 6,14). Jesus noticed that they wanted to make him king and withdrew alone. The next morning the people were looking for Jesus and they found him on the bank of the lake in Capernaum. Jesus reproached them for not looking for him because of the miracle, but because they had eaten enough bread and fish and were satisfied. However, Jesus was concerned with more than just giving people food. He pointed out to them: “Instead of worrying only about the perishable nourishment, strive for the nourishment that lasts and brings eternal life. This nourishment will be given to you by the Son of Man, for God the Father has confirmed him as his authorized representative »(John 6,27 NGÜ).

The people asked him what they should do to please God? He replied: "It is the work of God that you should believe in him whom he sent" (John 6,29).

What does God want to tell you with this story? He himself is happy to give you faith in Jesus, the Messenger of God, with all his heart. This means that you agree with Jesus that he wants to give you eternal life. When you consume Jesus as true food and his blood as true drink, as a reminder of the forgiveness of your guilt, you will have eternal life. Jesus tells you personally that he is the bread of life and that you will never have to go hungry again and never be thirsty again. "Whoever believes this has eternal life" (John 6,47).

That is why I am pleased to give you the bread of life symbolically with these thoughts today. In Jesus' love

Toni Püntener