In search of inner peace

494 looking for inner peaceI have to admit that sometimes I find it difficult to find peace. I'm not talking now about the "peace that passes far beyond understanding" (Philippians 4,7 NGÜ). When I think of such peace, I imagine a child calming God in the midst of a raging storm. I think of severe trials in which the muscles of faith are trained to the point where the endorphins (the body's own happiness hormones) of "peace" begin to take effect. I think of crises that change our perspective and force us to reevaluate and be grateful for the most important things in life. When events like this happen, I know that I have no control over how they turn out. Although they are deeply upsetting, it is simply better to leave such things to God.

I'm talking about the "everyday" peace that some might refer to as peace of mind or inner peace. As the famous philosopher Anonymous once said, “It's not the mountains in front of you that bother you. It's the grain of sand in your shoe." Here are some of my grains of sand: troubling thoughts that overwhelm me, my worrying without a reason for thinking the worst of others instead of the best, making a gnat an elephant; lose my orientation, I get upset because something doesn't suit me. I want to smack people who are inconsiderate, tactless, or annoying.

Inner peace is described as the rest of order (Augustine: tranquillitas ordinis). If that is true, there can be no peace where there is no social order. Unfortunately, we often lack order in life. Usually life is chaotic, arduous and stressful. Some seek peace and go wild by drinking, using drugs, making money, buying things, or eating. There are many areas of my life that I have no control over. However, by trying to use some of the following exercises in my life, I can gain some of the peace of mind, even where I would otherwise lack control.

  • I take care of my own affairs.
  • I forgive others and myself.
  • I forget the past and go on!
  • I don't push myself. I'm learning to say "No!"
  • I'm happy for others. Do not envy them.
  • I accept what can not be changed.
  • I am learning to be patient and / or tolerant.
  • I look at my blessings and am grateful.
  • I choose friends wisely and stay away from negative people.
  • I do not take everything personally.
  • I simplify my life. I eliminate clutter.
  • I'm learning to laugh.
  • I make my life slower. I find a quiet time.
  • I am doing something nice for someone else.
  • I think before I speak.

This is easier said than done. It will probably be that if I do not do the above under stress, then I have no one else to blame except myself. Often I'm upset with others when I'm the one who does Problem could have avoided and can lead to a good solution.

I consider: Ultimately, all peace comes from God - the peace that goes far beyond understanding and inner peace. Without a relationship with God, we will never find true peace. God gives his peace to those who trust him (John 14,27) and who rely on him (Isaiah 26,3) so that they don't have to worry about anything (Philippians 4,6). Until we are united with God, people look in vain for peace (Jer6,14).

I see, I should listen more to God's voice and be less upset - and stay far away from reckless, tactless or annoying people.

A thought at the end

Who puts you in trouble controls you. Do not let others steal your inner peace. Live in the peace of God.

by Barbara Dahlgren

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