Unity in diversity

208 unit in the varietyHere in the United States, Black History Month is celebrated every February. During this time, we celebrate the many accomplishments that African Americans have contributed to the good of our nation. We also commemorate the intergenerational suffering, from slavery and segregation to persistent racism. This month I realize that there is a history in the Church that has often been overlooked - the vital role that the early African American churches played in the existence of the Christian faith.

African American worship has actually been around since the beginnings of the United States! The first African American church dates back to 1758, even before the Civil War. These early churches arose under the ugly yoke of slavery. Slaveholders were wary of any sort of organized gathering among the slaves; but despite terrible persecution, many found a communion of strength, hope, and restoration among the teachings of the gospel.

Another part of the rich heritage that developed out of the steadfastness of faith under slavery was gospel. As can be seen from many ancient spirituals, the enslaved Christians found a strong identification in the story of Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egypt to bring them to the Promised Land. These African-Americans strengthened themselves by enslaving God's chosen people as well, and God led them into freedom as a denomination. These believers firsthand knew what the Israelites had experienced and put their hope for eternal salvation into the same God.

African American churches are still sites of Christian celebration and fellowship to this day. African-American Christian leaders have been at the forefront of the civil rights movement and continue to advocate substantial changes based on Christian principles. Although we often celebrate the merits of individuals in the Black History Month, it is equally valuable to remember the great gifts these church communities have offered for so long. Meanwhile, the early African American churches have continued to carry on the heritage of worship, pastoral care, and fellowship, and have long since become co-carriers of a much larger faith tradition within Christianity dating back to the first followers of Christ.

One of the first converts after Jesus' resurrection - even before the apostle Paul! – was the Ethiopian eunuch. The account is in the 8th chapter of Acts. An "angel of the Lord" told Philip to walk down a lonely road to Gaza. There he met a powerful man from Ethiopia who held high office in the Queen's court. The man was already absorbed in a passage from the book of Isaiah when, at the direction of the Holy Spirit, Philip approached and engaged in conversation with him. He "beginning with this word of Scripture, preaching unto him the gospel of Jesus" (verse 35). Shortly thereafter, the eunuch was baptized and “moved happily on his way” (Luther 1984).

Scholars see this report as a beautiful picture of how the gospel spreads to the ends of the world. Here is also an early and clear commitment that people of different ethnic groups, nations, cultures and backgrounds are equally welcome in the Kingdom of Christ. Although it can not be proven to be certain, some of the early Christian traditions attribute the spread of the good news of Jesus on the African continent to the Ethiopian eunuch.

I love to study the diverse and vibrant history of Christian worship around the world, as it reminds me of our rich and varied heritage. We too at GCI are part of this ongoing tradition. Grace Communion International benefits greatly from the unity-in-diversity of our membership. We have communities around the world and are experiencing wonderful, God-led, global growth. In just a few years, we have welcomed 5.000 new members and 200 new churches, with many churches on the African continent! It's amazing how people with different ethnic, national identities and life experiences can be united in the worship of the same triune God. It truly strengthens the Church by appreciating the different gifts and historical developments in the Body of Christ. Our God is this one who has called us to break down barriers and work for unity within the church based on our new life in Jesus Christ.

In gratitude for the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ,

Joseph Tkach


pdfUnity in diversity