He loves me

487 he loves meIn recent years I have been able to make a wonderful, joyful discovery: "God loves me"! You may not find this an exciting discovery. But after years of seeing God as a severe judge just waiting to punish me when I messed up, this is a new realization for me.

My relationship with God - if you could call it a relationship - started when I was a young girl. I remember reading the Bible and feeling some connection to this mysterious, supernatural being. I wanted to worship him in some way, but I did not know how.

My worship experiences did not quite satisfy me, although I liked to sing and also chorus for a while. Once I visited a leisure Bible school at the invitation of a friend. When the week was over, I went to the chapel with one of the teachers. He spoke to me about the need to accept Christ as my Savior. My inner attitude wanted to do it, but I lacked the firm conviction and I felt it more like lip service. I still did not know who God was or how to relate to Him. Later, I found God in a law-based church as a legislator and judge. If I did not obey all his laws, I knew that I was going to be in great trouble.

Then I heard a sermon that changed everything. The pastor talked about how God knew all about women because He created us. How could he create us if he didn't have those qualities and characteristics himself? Of course, this also applies to men. Since God made such a "manly" impression on me, I assumed that he had made men more like himself and that women were somehow different. That one statement - and it's the only thing I remember from the sermon - opened my eyes to see a Creator who knows and understands me. More importantly, who loves me. He loves me on my bad days, on my good days, even when no one else seems to love me. This love is unlike any other kind of love I've ever known. I know my dad loved me very much when he was alive. My mom loves me, but she's dealing with the reality of being a widow now. I know my husband loves me, he is a human being like me and was not designed by God to meet my every need. I know my children love me but they grow up and then move away and I will be among those who will call them once a week and visit them on holidays.

Only God loves me with unconditional, inexhaustible, incomparable, limitless, overflowing, very deeply, more than wonderful, extravagant and exuberant love! The love of God is amazing, it is big enough for the whole world (John 3,16) and it is also expressly for me. It's a love in which I can be who I am. I can trust this love and give myself up to allow myself to be changed. It is love that gives me life. It is love that Jesus died for.

If you still see God the way I did, then think of one thing: "God really loves you"! This realization will shape you.

by Tammy Tkach

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