Why does not God answer my prayer?

“Why doesn’t God answer my prayer?” I always say to myself, there must be a good reason for this. Perhaps I did not pray according to His will, which is a biblical requirement for answered prayers. Maybe I still have sins in my life that I haven't repented of. I know that my prayers would be more likely to be answered if I continued to live in Christ and... Read more ➜

Become a spiritual diamond

Fühlen Sie sich jemals unter Druck? Ist das eine alberne Frage? Man sagt, dass Diamanten nur unter grossem Druck entstehen. Ich weiss nicht, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich persönlich fühle mich manchmal eher wie ein zerquetschtes Ungeziefer als wie ein Diamant. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Druck, aber die Art, an die wir am häufigsten denken, ist der Druck des täglichen Lebens. Er kann schädlich… Read more ➜

Travel: unforgettable meals

Many people who travel usually remember famous landmarks as highlights of their trip. They take photos, make photo albums or have them made. They tell their friends and relatives stories of what they have seen and experienced. My son is different. For him, the highlights of travel are the meals. He can do every course of every dinner... Read more ➜

God in a box

Have you ever thought you had it all figured out and later realized you had no idea? How many try-it-yourself projects follow the old adage If all else fails, read the instructions? I still had difficulty even after reading the instructions. Sometimes I read each step carefully and carry it out as I... Read more ➜

How is your conscience trained?

A child wants a “Guetzli”, but turns away from the cookie jar. It remembers what happened last time when it took a “guetzli” without asking. A teenager comes home five minutes early because he doesn't want to be called out for coming home late. Taxpayers ensure that they fully declare their income because they do not… Read more ➜

A better way

My daughter recently asked me, "Mom, is there really more than one way to skin a cat"? I laughed. She knew what the saying meant, but she really had a real question about this poor cat. There is usually more than one way to do something. When it comes to getting difficult things done, we Americans believe in the "good old American... Read more ➜

Where does Jesus live?

We worship a risen Savior. This means that Jesus is alive. But where does he live? Does he have a house? Maybe he lives down the street - as the volunteer at the homeless shelter. Maybe he lives in the big house on the corner with foster children. Maybe he lives in your house - as the one who mowed the neighbor's lawn when he was sick... Read more ➜