
Every day needs moments of silence,
for a couple conversation, a prayer, a good book
or a walk.
Rainer Haak


All talking is meaningless,
if the trust is missing.
Franz Kafka


To understand each other,  
People need only a few words.
They only need many words,  
not to understand each other.


Where there is no conversation,
the violence begins.


The prayer is in my opinion
nothing but a conversation with a friend,  
with whom we often and gladly come alone,
to talk to him because he loves us.
Theresa of Avila


Advent and Christmas is like a keyhole,
through that on our dark earth path
a note from the home falls.
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

We celebrate Christmas, that this birth is also in us
People happens. But if it does not happen in me, what helps
she then me? Just that it happens in me, that's all.
Master Eckhart

... and I will come home at Christmas.
We all do that or should do it.
We all come home or should come home.
For a short rest, the longer the better,
to take rest and give.
Charles Dickens

Jesus bless and keep you and all who are with you.
Maria Ward